Week 5: Escape the Lost

The gangs raid on the industrial sector in No Scummersland started out looking like a huge success. The abandoned factories indeed contained a large number of crystals and the gang who could add this area to their territory would grow rich selling the resource back to the CCCP. However, before the money could be made, ownership needed to be established. Multiple gangs had had the same idea and arrived at the same time - Necromundans do not share. That’s why they had brought the firepower. Out came the knives and stub guns to settle the argument of who will control this area of the Slump.

Before the disagreement could be settled, the sound of gunfire drew the attention of the “abandoned” territories’ denizens. The Lost had arrived.

The gangs now found themselves exchanging fire with not only the other gangs but also the cloaked figures in the shadows. It didn’t seam to matter how many of the Lost fell. For every shadow that absorbed a slug, two more took their place. With the situation turning hopeless, the gangs decide to cut and run grabbing what crystals they can before pulling out.

That’s when the gangs truly grasped the severity of their situation: the doors have been barricaded, the control panels smashed and with the gunfire intensifying, the shadows swell with hostile fighters. The Factories are at risk of becoming a tomb.