Escape the Lost

The gangs’ raid on the industrial sector is going sideways fast. They need to escape the area, now! Pursued through the ruins of the old factories by cloaked figures, the gangs find themselves scrabbling in a desperate race for survival. The Lost are herding the gangs together into a killing field and in the panic the gangs must push through each other to escape.


  • This Scenario is played a Sector Mechanicus Battlefield

  • Place 4 Crystal Cluster Markers

  • Randomly place 6 Loot Caskets. The rules for these can be found here.

Crew & Cards

  • Both players get a starting crew of Custom 10 fighters & 2 cards (chosen).

  • The available Crew includes fighters in recovery these are counted as Walking Wounded see below


  • One gang deploys their entire crew within 3” of a random battlefield edge, their opponent then deploys within 3” of the opposite edge.

  • Roll Off to determine who deploys first, then take it in turns to each deploy a fighter

A Fighting Retreat

Both gangs are attempting to escape the industrial zone while attempting to stop the opposing gang doing the same. Both gangs must try to exit the battlefield via their opponents board edge.

  • Bottle tests are not taken in this scenario and gangs cannot voluntarily bottle out.

  • Fighters may not be captured in this scenario.

  • Fighters may not use infiltrate or any skill/card that grants a similar ability

  • Fighters that are in recovery are deployed along with the rest of the gang, they are counted as Walking Wounded and their movement is halved and their BS and WS rolls suffer a -1 to hit.

  • Walking Wounded that have an activation token may be carried by healthy fighters in the same way as a moving an ammo cashe, but loose their activation token at the end of the healthy fighters move.

  • Any fighter within 1” of their opponents board edge in the end phase may be removed and counts as having Escaped.

  • Any fighter that is within 1” of a loot casket when they Escape may choose to bring the loot casket with them.

Pursued by The Lost

The gangs are berated by wooping and hollering from the shadows. Shots fly overhead as the cloaked figures race after that gangs in a crazed blood lust.

  • At the end of each round multiply the round number by 3, any fighter within that many inches of their deployment edge are attacked by The Lost.

  • Roll a d6 for any fighter that is attacked by The Lost. They are hit on a 4+, a hit fighter suffers d3 Strength 3, AP -2, Damage 1 hits (this pins the fighter)

  • Any fighter taken OOA by The Lost adds 3 🔶 symbols to their fighter card and rolls twice on the lasting injury table applying both results

Gathering the Crystals

  • A standing and active fighter that is in base to base contact with a Crystal Cluster Marker may make a harvest crystal (double) action. Make an intelligence test for the fighter, if successful the controlling player gains a Strange Crystal loot marker to represent the crystal, then roll a D6, on a 5+ the Crystal Cluster Marker is removed.

  • Each time a fighter successfully harvests a Strange Crystal, permanently mark their fighter card with a 🔶 symbol or similar. This does not currently have any effect, but you will need to keep track of this throughout the campaign.


  • If either player has no fighters on the battlefield at the end of any round, 1 more round is played and then the battle ends.

  • The gang that had the most fighters Escape the battlefield wins.

Rewards & XP

  • Each fighter that took part gains 1xp

  • Any fighter who successfully Escapes gains 1xp

  • Any fighter that successfully harvested 1 or more Strange Crystals gains 1xp

  • For each Strange Crystals gathered the gang adds 10 creds to their stash

  • Each loot casket a gang carries off the board adds D3x10 credits to their stash

  • The winning gang gains a captive (see Week 5 Post Battle)


  • The winning gang gains d3 Rep