Week 2: Liquid Carnage

Returning to Corpse Town and selling their loot; the gangs are left kicking their heels, uncertain what to do next. The main caravan of the expedition, containing the resources required to operate this deep into The Slump, still has not arrived. While the gangs were able to access The Slump from above, the baggage train and assorted followers were forced to find a more conventional way of reaching Corpse Town. This involved digging out the long closed passageways leading from Cog-Port. An arduous task, but one that should have been completed by now.

The repeated attempts to contact the main caravan have failed; the vox-links humming with static.

The decision was made by Master Voltula Terrabrand, Head of the Cog-Port Explorers Guild, to send the Cawdor gang calling themselves Burning Purity to find out what happened to the Expeditions supplies and reinforcements. While on the surface this decision appeared to be one based upon the practicality of securing supply lines, he secretly harboured an alternative motive that he revealed once the gang had left. His fellow guilders had discovered the remains of the old Corpse Town Brewery and while is machinery is long rusted and decayed, its attached warehouse contained a small fortune in White Snake and other liquors. With the devout Redemptionist gang gone, Master Voltula Terrabrand and his fellow guilders were free to seize the stash using their personal guards and as a result come into a small fortune in booze.

Having Bought the Strange Crystals from the gangs and being cut off from Cog-Port, the various Guilders and Noble representatives have been forced to stash their wares in a number of abandoned buildings. Unwilling to spend yet more creds protecting their investments the penny-pinching CCCP representatives have opted to pay the gangs in the newly seized booze. All this has done however is result in a lot of drunken guards and an opportunity for those gangs not tasked with guard duty. If they can steal the Strange Crystals back they sell them again to different Guilders.

Meanwhile Doc Keet, the Rogue doc escorting the expedition to The Slump has fallen in with the Sable Pyramid Chaos Cult. Disturbing rumours have reached the gangs that the Doc has been seen riding around a hideous abomination when not attending to his clinic work. But these are only rumours, right!?

Regardless of whether the rumours are true or not, it has been noticed that the Doc certainly has a less than sterling record when it comes to the recovery of his patients, and gangers are beginning to wonder if the Docs attentions might be more detrimental than leaving their injuries untreated.