Liquid Carnage

The CCCP representatives have chosen to store their stash of Crystals in the various abandoned buildings of Corpse Town. Unwilling to invest yet more creds, they have chosen to hire some gangs to protect the merchandise, paying them exclusively in booze from the Corpse Town Brewery. But this has presented an opportunity for those gangs not left on guard duty to steal the Crystals and sell them to other interested parties.

Attacker & Defender

  • Roll off to determine who is the Attacker and who is the Defender.

  • The Defender has Home Turf Advantage and must protect the Crystal Stash.

  • The Attacker is attempting to steal the Crystal Stash.


  • Place a Crystal Stash at the centre of the battlefield and surround it with terrain representing the warehouse, abandoned house or other building used to store the crystals.

  • Scatter some terrain around the rest of the table, but the main concentration should still be around the Crystal Stash.

Crew & Cards

  • Defender: Custom 4 fighters & 2 cards (chosen) - The rest of the gang arrive as reinforcements.

  • Attacker: Custom D3+3 fighters & 2 cards (chosen) - The rest of the gang arrive as reinforcements.


  • The Defender deploys their starting crew within 6” of Crystal Stash.

  • The Attacker deploys their starting crew within 3” of any battlefield edge.

  • The Reinforcements for both sides are placed to one side, 2 random fighters from each side arrive at the beginning of each round after the first, They are deployed within 3” of a random edge, roll off to determine who places a fighter first each round, then alternate

Drunken Guards

  • Permanently mark the fighter card of each of Defenders Starting Crew with a additional 🔶 symbol

  • The Defenders Starting Crew are drunk! For each point of damage they would take roll a d6 on a 5+ they shrug of the damage and the wound is ignored.

  • The Defenders Starting Crew can never be Pinned and automatically pass all cool checks.

There’s Something Wrong With the Doc!

  • When Rolling for Injuries Roll twice on the Lasting Injury table and apply both results!


  • If the Attacker can get a fighter in base to base contact with the Crystal Stash, and there is no Defending fighters within 3” of the Crystal Stash for one entire round, roll a d6 on a 5+ the Attacker wins. Alternatively the Attacker wins if they are only gang remaining on the battlefield at the end of any round.

  • The Defender wins if they are only gang remaining on the battlefield at the end of any round.

Rewards & XP

  • The Winning gang adds (d6 x10) creds and A Crate of Corpse Brew to their stash.

  • The Loosing gang adds A Crate of Corpse Brew to their stash.

  • While in the gangs stash A Crate of Corpse Brew provides a gang with 6 doses of Wild Snake, after which it is exhausted. Alternatively it can be sold for 50creds.

  • Each fighter that took part gains 1XP

  • The fighter that captured the Crystal Stash gains 1xp and permanently adds 2 🔶 symbols to their fighter card


  • The winning gang gains d3 Rep