Week 12: Manufactorum Raid

The borders between the CCCP and the Lost remain static. For all the blood shed and urine passed, there has been minimal re-alignment. The leaders of both factions have decided instead that if the (relatively) peaceful negotiations over territories yield no results, matters must instead take a more explosive course.

CCCP economic adepts and the Lost’s dome scurries have analysed holo-maps, the whispers of informants, and linked gunk pipes back to their pumping stations to identify targets. Their goals are to strike at the very hearts of their enemies, disrupting (that is, exploding) the infrastructure that brings light, warmth, and energy to their habs and factories.

Reluctantly for the CCCP and with a manic energy for the Lost, they supply high explosives to their allied gangs. In CCCP-ruled Corpse Town, these are an emperor-ordained shaped charge triggered by a complex timer mechanism. In the Lost-ruled warrens and shadow-ways, they are simply old corpse starch tins filled with an unholy concoction of gunk and black market promethium, detonated with a rat-urine infused length of tallow as a fuse.

So armed, the gangs tool up and move out. It’s time for Corpse Town to burn.