Manufactorum Raid

The attacking gangs have their weapons and they have their targets, but defence will be fierce. If borders cannot be redrawn, then the factions will simply blow holes in each other’s map until one collapses.


  • Standard battlefield setup – Sector Mechanicus or Zone Mortalis.

  • Place 6 Crystal Cluster Markers randomly around the battlefield.

  • Randomly place 6 Loot Caskets. The rules for these can be found here.

Attacker & Defender

  • Either roll off or decide who is the Attacker and who is the Defender.

Crew & Cards

  • The Attacker uses the Custom 10 method to select their crew.

  • The Defender randomly selects D3+5 Fighters as their starting crew. The remainder of their gang is held in reserve.

  • Both players choose two tactics cards.


  • Roll off for deployment priority. Each gang deploys within 6” of opposing table edges.

  • After both crews are deployed, the Attacker places three markers on the table – These are the targets of their raid. These markers must be at least 24” from their table edge and at least 12” from each other.


  • In the End Phase of the 2nd round and every round after, the defender receives D3 random enforcements. These can be deployed on any table edge and must be deployed at least 6” from an enemy fighter.


The attacker is aiming to plant bombs at each of the target markers they placed.

Planting a bomb

  • A Standing and Active Fighters in base-to-base contact with a marker may make a Plant Bomb (Double) action.

  • Once a bomb has been planted, place a dice next to the marker showing a 1. During each End Phase after the bomb has been planted, the Attacker roles a D6. On a 7+ the bomb explodes as described below, otherwise the marker dice is increased by 1.

Disarming a bomb

  • The Defender may try to disarm a bomb by making a Disarm Bomb (Double) action and pass an Intelligence check when in base-to-base contact with the marker.

  • If the Intelligence check is failed and a double is rolled, the bomb explodes as described below.

  • If a bomb is successfully disarmed, the Attacker may plant a fresh bomb as described above.

Exploding bombs

  • If the bomb explodes, place the 5” blast template over the marker.

  • Any models touched by the template suffer a S6, AP-2, D3 Damage hit with the Knockback trait.

  • The marker is removed and cannot be bombed again.

Gathering the Crystals

  • A standing and active fighter that is in base to base contact with a Crystal Cluster Marker may make a harvest crystal (double) action. Make an intelligence test for the fighter, if successful the controlling player gains a Strange Crystal loot marker to represent the crystal, then roll a D6, on a 5+ the Crystal Cluster Marker is removed.

  • Each time a fighter successfully harvests a Strange Crystal, permanently mark their fighter card with a 🔶 symbol or similar. This does not currently have any effect, but you will need to keep track of this throughout the campaign.


  • The battle ends when only one Gang is left on the board or if all three bombs explode.

  • If all the bombs explode, the Attacker is victorious. Otherwise, the Defender is victorious.

  • No Fighters may be Captured in this scenario.

Rewards & XP

  • Both gangs gain 2D3x10 credits.

  • The Attacker gains 15 credits for each bomb that explodes.

  • The Defender gains 15 credits for each bomb that does not explode.

  • Each Gang gains D3x5 credits for every Strange Crystal they harvested.

  • Every Fighter that took part in the battle gains 1XP.

  • An Attacking Fighter that planted a bomb gains 1XP

  • A Defending Fighter that successfully disarms a bomb gains D3 XP.


  • The Attacker gains 1 reputation for each bomb that explodes.

  • The Defender gains 1 reputation for each bomb that does not explode.