Week 11: Border Dispute

To the surprise of no-one but Pippin, the peacenik poet of Gorvak’s Warherd, the parlay between the gangs descended rapidly into bloody violence, with the only agreement reached being to disagree - Preferably at the end of a gun. Suggestions were made on how the gangs might band together to reach mutually agreeable goals. These suggestions were rejected as each gang sought to defend and promote only their own interests without care for any other’s.

Corpse Town is thus divided: The gangs horrified at the crystalline mutations springing from their bodies pledge themselves to the service of the CCCP. In return, the CCCP promises to help find a cure for these mutations. The gangs ready to embrace the mutations in turn seek out the Lost, lured by the promise of more and more beneficial ‘evolutions.’

The stage is now set for a fully armed confrontation between the Lost and the CCCP. The former seek to re-establish their rule over Corpse Town, reclaiming what they say as their rightful homes, the latter determined to finally fulfil the mission given them by Lord Helmawr to return Cog-Port to profit and drive out the treacherous scum who reject the Lord of Necromunda’s authority. 

If you can grow an extra head when all about you   

    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,

If you can dodge yourself when all men shoot at you,

    But make allowance for their shooting too;

If you can make one heap of all your fingernails

    And grow sharp crystals in their place,

Yours is Corpse Town and everything that’s in it,   

    And—which is more—you’ll be a Mutant, my son!


A poem by Pippin of Gorevak’s Warherd