Border Dispute

With the gangs and Corpse Town divided, the first probing raids begin into enemy territory. The gangs of each side seek to humiliate and disrupt their enemies, showing that their faction are the true rulers of Corpse Town.


  • Standard battlefield setup – Sector Mechanicus or Zone Mortalis.

  • Divide the battlefield into 2 equal halves.

  • Place 3 Crystal Cluster Markers per participating gang

  • Randomly place 3 Loot Caskets. The rules for these can be found here.

Crew & Cards

  • Both players randomly select D3+3 Fighters as their starting crew. The remainder of each Gang is held in reserve.

  • Neither Player starts with any Tactics Card. At the start of the 2nd Round and everyone subsequent round, each Player randomly selects a single Tactics Card.


  • Each Player selects a battlefield half as their territory to defend.

  • Roll off for deployment priority. The winner randomly selects a single Fighter from their starting crew and places it on their territory 1” from the centre of the Battlefield. Their opponent then randomly selects a Fighters and places it 1” from the centre in their territory.

  • Players then take it in turns to deploy the remainder of their crew anywhere on their territory at least 12” from the centre of the battlefield and at least 6” from any other Fighter.

  • Finally, each Player places a marker or nominates a piece of terrain anywhere in their territory at least 4” away from a battlefield edge as a Gang Relic.

  • Friendly Fighters within 6” of an undefiled Gang Relic at 2 to any Cool or Leadership checks. Once a Gang Relic has been defiled as described below it no longer offers any bonuses.


  • At the start of every End Phase, each Gang receives D3 enforcements. These are deployed one at a time, starting with the Player who has Priority.

  • Reinforcements are deployed on a random table edge within their Gang’s territory.

The Relic

  • Each gang is aiming to defile the enemy’s Gang Relic and defend their own.

  • Any Standing and Active Fighters within 1” of the enemy’s Gang Relic may make a Defile Relic (DOUBLE) action.

Gathering the Crystals

  • A standing and active fighter that is in base to base contact with a Crystal Cluster Marker may make a harvest crystal (double) action. Make an intelligence test for the fighter, if successful the controlling player gains a Strange Crystal loot marker to represent the crystal, then roll a D6, on a 5+ the Crystal Cluster Marker is removed.

  • Each time a fighter successfully harvests a Strange Crystal, permanently mark their fighter card with a 🔶 symbol or similar. This does not currently have any effect, but you will need to keep track of this throughout the campaign.


  • The battle ends when only one Gang is left on the board. If this Gang defiled the enemy’s relic, it is the winner. Any other result is a draw.

  • No Fighters may be Captured in this scenario.

Rewards & XP

  • Both gangs gain 2D3x10 credits.

  • If one gang wins, they gain an additional D3x10 credits.

  • Each Gang gains D3x5 credits for every Strange Crystal they harvested.

  • Every Fighter that took part in the battle gains 1XP.

  • The Fighter that defiled the enemy’s relic gains D3XP

  • The Leader of the victorious gang gains 1XP, even if they did not take part in the battle.


  • Each Gang gains +1 Reputation for taking part.

  • If a Gang’s relic was defiled, they lose 1 Reputation