Week 10: Crystalline Green

The bridges swing, trade flows, and profits grow. For the CCCP, all seems well in Corpse Town. But for the Gangers, their skin… crawls. It itches. It breaks and bleeds. Muscles suddenly contort, bones crack, and eyes ache. In truth, all is not well in Corpse Town.

The cost of harvesting the mysterious crystals has begun to take its toll. A sickness is creeping through the camps. Gangers feel strange sensations of movement and pressure under their skin. Many are complaining of migraines, painful swellings and aching joints. More concerning still, is the green tint that some of the population of Corpse Town have begun to exhibit. Could it be that the Crystals they were sent to collect were not as harmless as first imagined.

For the Gangs of Corpse Town, of Cog-Port, and of all Necromunda most solutions to most problems begin and end with the gun. However, extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures – The gangs decide to meet for a parlay and attempt to reach an agreement on how to solve this situation for the good of all. It is an ambitious notion and Corpse Town is not called Corpse Town for nothing. As a result, even the most optimistic of Gangers surely has some idea of how this meeting is going to end…