Crystalline Green

The gangs’ various scouts, dome runners, and informants have found one of the few areas of Corpse Town free of the mysterious crystal growths. Moving slowly, cautiously, the gang leaders convene in the centre of this no-man’s land. Meanwhile, their fighters mill about out of sight, taking care not to catch the eye of any enemy and see violence erupt any sooner than it inevitably will.


  • Standard battlefield setup – Sector Mechanicus or Zone Mortalis.

  • Players also randomly place 2 loot caskets per participating gang across the Battlefield. These use the normal rules for Loot Caskets. The rules for these can be found here.

  • No crystal markers are placed in this scenario.

Crew & Cards

  • All Gangs must include their Leader, even if the Leader would otherwise be in Recovery.

  • The remainder of the Crew is selected using the random D3+5 method.

  • Players randomly select 2 Tactics Cards.


  • Roll off for deployment priority and place the Leaders within 6” of the board centre.

  • The rest of the Fighters are deployed anywhere on the board at least 12” from a Leader and 6” from another Fighter (friend or foe)


It was a parlay, now it’s a barney. Chat – Fight – SURVIVE.

  • At the start of the Battle only the Leaders have Ready markers.

  • When a Shoot action occurs within 12” of a Fighter they may make an Intelligence check. If they pass, they gain a Ready marker and may act as normal.

  • If a Fighter is hit by a Shoot Attack or Engaged in Close Combat, they automatically become Ready.

  • Any Ready Fighter may make a Shout (DOUBLE) action. Any Fighters within 12” may make an Intelligence check with a +2 modifier to gain a Ready marker.

  • Any Fighter deployed using Infiltrate rules, starts without a Ready marker unless all friendly Fighters already have Ready markers.

  • In the End Phase of each round, Fighters without Ready markers may make a single Move action in any direction.


  • The battle ends when only one Gang is left on the board.

  • One Gang wins if its Leader is the only Leader left on the Battlefield and is not Seriously Injured. Any other result is a draw for all participants.

  • No Fighters may be Captured in this scenario.

Rewards & XP

  • Both gangs gain 2D3x10 credits.

  • If one gang wins, they gain an additional D3x10 credits.

  • Every Fighter that took part in the battle gains 1XP.

  • The last Leader on the board (even if they go out of action before the End of the Battle) gains d6 XP.


  • Each Gang gains +1 Reputation for taking part.

  • If a Gang took an enemy Leader Out Of Action, it gains an additional +1 Rep.

  • If one Gang wins, it gains an additional 3 Rep.