Cog-Port Campaign Narrative

Chapter 1. Into the Ex-Port

" Welcome fellow gangers, to Cog-Port! "

Cog-port: Pearl of the World-sump sea.
Cog-port: Home to traders and sailors, spicers and slavers, guilders and nobles.
Cog-port: Fulcrum of hive, road, and sea.
Cog-port: Lost for generations to plague and ash.
Cog-port: Graveyard of rust and dust

The dark tang of sulphur lumens. The nitrox and lead bite of sump-trudger and ash-crawler exhausts. The U-moy-qua cries of water hawkers. The slave-hauler clank from dock to warehouse to ash-train. The slurs and curses of sailors and dock-hands after cyano-sec liquor. The howling of the wind and… the other howling that lies beneath every other sound.

This was Cog-Port at its zenith: A locus for trade across the Worldsump ocean connecting to the great ash road and the subterranean tunnels woven beneath. The port was vital to the trade and transport interests of every faction and interest on Necromunda, from Lord Helmawr down to the lowest rat-hound of House Cawdor and to every guild and conglomerate.

But for generations the only sounds have been the rust-whispers of machinery decaying in the twisting wind. The only scents stale death and whatever fresh decay the tide leaves amid the piles of failing piers.

The reasons for Cog-Ports fall were many. For one, the cost for traders and their captains as one ship and shipment after another were lost to the sump or the ash without explanation and salvage became unsustainable. For another, disease of unknown provenance but terribly visible results ravaged the flesh of captain, helot, and slave alike. But the final blow was what some called ‘the perfect storm.’ In truth, the storm lacked one element - sound. For the first time in living memory, the world around Cog-Port fell silent. As the storm approached over the sump sea Cog-port’s people and technology fell silent, machines sputtered and died as their masters stared mutely at the pulsing black clouds. Even the howling ceased.

No records remain of what the breaking of the storm was like. When it at last cleared and outsiders were able to reach Cog-port, they first passed through fields of the dead, those who had attempted to flee the port for the ash wastes and fallen. Once inside, they found the port and hab-blocks scoured of human life, the port’s skeleton the run of rats, ‘jacks and ‘saurs, and vermin seen only in the glitter of eyes.

The port’s outer areas have been colonised by nomads, scavvies, and others fleeing life in the major hives, but the machinery, piers, and docks of the main industrial area remain abandoned.

Until now. Lord Helmawr, backed by the Mercator guilds, wishes to see Necromunda’s surface trade routes reopened. With this encouragement, the clan houses are sending gangs to Cog-port by any means possible to stake claims and win favour from the guilds looking to reawaken the port’s various industries.

But as Cog-Port reawakens, so too do it’s memories and mysteries. Beyond the port’s trade and commerce infrastructure, who knows what mysteries drift in the blackened and abandoned hulks and freighters or lie abandoned in the upstart-palaces of merchants, pirates, and explorators. Who knows how those brave, hardy, and outcast souls who made Cog-port a home will react to these newcomers. And who knows if the howling, silent since the storm, will return.

Opening Scenario: TIDE POD CHALLENGE

Straining bridges and gantries are now the only entry points to the terminal from the mainland. Once moving marvels that rose and twisted for trudgers and tides, they now stand frozen, decayed, and crumbling - washed by tides and waves. For the few Cog-porters who lingered, crossing them is second nature, their senses tuned to the surges of the sump. The incoming gangs have a lot to learn and little time to do it as they race across rusted gossamer desperate to reach the terminal first and begin claiming its rewards for themselves.

Crytex Confederacy Vs Paramedicae Vs Search and Destroy Vs The Dark Hand………………Winner: The Dark Hand

Wayward Sisters Vs Bravo-99 Vs Tombstone……………………………………………………………..…Winner: Bravo-99

Forgotten Riches

Wayward sisters vs. the Crytex Confederacy

The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. So it is said. Unfortunately, the Escher and Van Saar gangs’ plans to make a quick cred by looting the ruined warehouses near the Cog-port terminal entrance were far from “best laid.” Thus, things went beyond awry to near disaster.

Both gangs crept through the ruins ignorant or unconcerned of each other’s presence until a tactically astute breaching action by the Van Saars saw one Escher ganger flee and another taken out of action. Their hired ‘help’, Bobby, was also taken out of action but few noticed. A counter charge by an Escher champion saw her take out her opposite number before being scragged by a second surge of Van Saar.

Things looked bad for the Eschers as the Van Saar’s began an ordered withdrawal, albeit laden down with looted crates. However, a vindictive Ave Imperator choke gas grenade thrown into their midst by the Escher leader sent two gasping to the ground before an uncommonly accurate shot by a loan Escher ganger felled a third. The tactical retreat turned swiftly into a hasty one.

While the Escher’s drove off their foe radioactive foe, they only secured two loot caskets for themselves. In the end, the whispering darkness convinced them to take what they had and seek refuge back in their newly founded Nargila Nexus settlement.

Winner: Wayward Sisters


Search and Destroy vs. Children of the Many-Armed God

It was always a terrible idea to have a robot debate with an abberant over where the border line was over the Toll Bridges now setup across the sump sea...

It inevitably turned into a Border Dispute between the Children of the Many Armed God and the killer robot bounty hunters, Search and Destroy...

It all started with a swift Power Pick to the face of poor Droid 3 (now in for repair), although the response shots from the sniper, All Seeing Eye were a deadly response. All looked bleak for the poor robot as his partner was twitching on the ground but then the cult leader rocked up and summoned his troops (they bottled...)

The Super Scum almost made it to the relic before being scared away!! But alas in the end All Seeing Eye saw no victory and also fled (bottled...). Thus giving the victory to the "potentially" alien Gangers...

Winner: Children of the Many-Armed God

Forgotten Riches

The Unseen Blades vs. Crytex Confederacy

Winner: Crytex Confederacy - Sludge Sea Territory Claimed


The Unseen Blades vs. Crytex Confederacy

Winner: The Unseen Blades

Forgotten Riches

The Dark Hand vs. Wasteland Warriorz

The Hand took priority quickly making it's way towards the loot crates, the guns of the van saar were no match (when both plasma guns ran out of ammo in the first turn) for the dastardly delaque.

Still realing from the first turns unexpected ammo shortage the van saar managed to reload one plasma gun (special card) which piled shot after shot into the advancing gangers.

A brave flanking manoeuvre from Maximus was cut short by a Delaque firearm, down but not out the Delaques finished him off with some swift kicks to the ribs.

Running forwards with a webber the Delaque champion put a sticky end to the plasma gunners onslaught, with so many of the Van Saar down in the field the Wastland Warriorz bottled and tactically withdrew, leaving the loot crates and Gambling Den to the dark hand.

Buoyed by their success the local settlement gifted the hand a ganger, whilst the Warriorz scraped together just a few credits, counting themselves lucky to have emerged unscathed.


The Dark Hand win after a to and fro game that saw the Hand take an early advantage only to be pulled back by the Wasteland Warriors. However the web gun in the middle taking out the Warriors remaining champion saw the game swing back to the hand.

The Hand took one Warrior out of action (their Leader, Maximus). The Warriors didn’t take anyone out although one Hand ganger ended up in recovery.

Winner: The Dark Hand - Gambling Den Claimed

------------  BACKGROUND  --------------

Cog-Port sits on the eastern shore of the Worldsump Ocean, connected to Hive Primus and other hives by the Great Ash Road and its tributaries.

Cog-Port is itself a proto-hive. It contains all the industries, hab-sectors, and support processes of its larger cousins across the surface of the planet, but the top of its spire never grew high enough to penetrate Necromunda’s permanent cloud cover and, since it’s (literal) fall, likely never will.

The port section accounts for almost the entirety of the hive’s western surface-level quarter, its walls plunging into the sump and throwing out docking piers into the swirling sump. Within the port, cranes, towers, silos, and warehouses loom up from silt and rust, reaching over abandoned hulks of old sump-trudgers. And at the port’s heart is the terminal, a circular island enveloped by the hive itself. It is this section that holds the most value to those now hurrying to Cog-Port, but with the combined effects of the sump environment, the viciously territorial flora and fauna that has taken root, and uncertain structural integrity, it is the area that poses the most obvious peril.

But it is not the only area of Cog-Port where riches may be found. On the outskirts of the port, where many of the refineries and processing stations once stood, man-grave swamps have spread so the tendrils of carnivorous plants reach for the unwary. Beyond the swamps, separating Cog-Port from the other hives, the Ash Wastes’ dunes shift by the hour, its nomads ready to strike at any time. Yet, the roads and crossings will be vital to the rebirth of Cog-Port. And within the towers of Cog-Port hive itself the palatial residences of the port’s former grandees linger, containing who knows what rarities and treasures behind security traps.

Smash and Grab

Paramedicae vs. The Wayward Sisters

Having established a new base of operations in Cog Port, Paramedicae received news of a drugs shipment being moved by the Wayward Sisters into their newly established narcotics den; Naomi’s Nargilah Nexus. Handsome Jack decided to attempt an ambush on this shipment in order to supplement the Paramedicae Centres supplies.

The attack was launched when the convoy was resting in an abandoned manufactorum which was suffering intermittent Power outages, periodically plunging the sector into darkness. Despite being less well equipped Paramedicae decided to rely on their superior numbers which they boosted further by hiring local scummer and drinking den legend Bobby “Blam Blam” Boshkinssonsson. Paramedicae deployed from their ambulance and spread out across the area, attempting to surround and overwhelm the Wayward Sisters guards.

After a fierce firefight which saw both gangs bottling, The Wayward Sisters were able to repel the Paramedicae attack, losing only a single crate. Making a daring run, Bobby managed to open one of the five crates, only to find a frag-trap that immediately detonated. Even the intervention of Toast (the Wonder Juve) was unable to change the course of the battle with an unwise charge seeing him injured and in recovery. Likewise, a charge from the defending Esher, saw the leader Handsome Jack cut down and loaded into his own ambulance with a spinal injury.

But the Wayward Sisters were not without casualties as “Never Hit” Shulimith was hobbled, by auto gunfire and “One Shot” Maebe had a near death experience at the end of Handsome Jack’s twin over charged plasma pistols.

With Paramedicae retreating, the Wayward Sisters were able to retain control of the entire drug shipment and even took advantage of the manufactorum to establish a new drinking den.

Winner: The Wayward Sisters


The Smokers vs. The Moral Majority

Following their near destruction in Copperton and the downfall of Longshanks many thought the Smokers destroyed, but the survivors had in fact fled and found an abandoned sector of the hive to rebuild. That place was Cog Port. With the influx of invading gangs, they have been flushed to the surface. Now led by Braid who took over ‘the cursed challace’ of Leader of the Smokers, the fledgling gang consisted of just gangers and Juves. Their first act was to announce themselves with a daring raid on a local Cawdor gang called the Moral Majority. The plan was to sneak into the gang’s base and sabotage the generator which the gang had recently restored to working order. While dodging the sentries, the Smokers got into position and at a given signal threw a number of blasting charges that caught the Cawdor completely by surprise. However, the defenders proved to be surprisingly resilient and launched their won counter attack. The battle that ensued was the most close-fought and bloody this chronicler has ever seen. But then we have learnt to expect nothing less from the Smokers who seem to spend every moment surrounded by violence and bloodshed, having almost as little regard for their own lives as the enemy’s.

The battle saw Karnage climb to the top of a tower, hurling blasting charges at the unfortunate Moral Majority Members only to be hit by an exploding crossbow bolt that blew him clean off the top to fall a full three storeys to the ground.

Beast, meanwhile, climbed a separate tower to deal with a Cawdor sniper. When the sniper turned and fled, he found himself with an absence of targets and the prospect of a long climb own. The solution? A few jumps. Failing to land single one, he eventually found himself on the ground level, battered but unbroken and took out his frustration upon the generator but was unable to destroy it.

A large fist fight developed in the centre of the complex between Braid, Bullet Stopper and Kibble. Unable to take down a particularly resilient opponent until Wormfood leapt from a platform above the fight onto the Cawdor, seriously injuring both but breaking the deadlock.

The arrival of Terrence R, signalled a showdown between himself, the Moral Majority’s leader, and Braid, leader of the Smokers. Despite her imposing size and strength, her choice to not bring weapon, turned out to be a fatal mistake when Terrence weathered the hail of blows and retaliated with a chain glave, cutting her down and in so doing, killing the last remaining survivor of the original Smokers gang. Braid up to this point, had survived a whopping twenty battles and had steadily risen through the ranks of the Smokers, surviving Enforcer arrest, multiple injuries and the tyrannical rule of both Big Boss and Longshanks.

For the Moral Majority, Calabrese and Remorso, were also both killed with Gravano suffering a spinal injury and Scabbers in recovery, after a bloodbath of an opening engagement. But despite the loss of all gang member except for the 3 Juves and Beast, the Smokers refused to retreat and out lasted the Moral Majority after both gangs bottled.

The fallout from this engagement saw three gangers put in the ground and the Smokers ceasing a toll crossing. With their leader dead, and no champions or specialists to take her place, leadership of the Smokers has fallen to one of their plucky Juves.

Winner: The Smokers - Toll Crossing Claimed


"Technical" Tina Trépâñ is busy finishing setting up her new store in Cog Port when a commotion makes her look round. 3 Goliath Juves stumble into the shop, lugging a large black bag between them. Their bright green mohawks and markings identify them as members of the Smokers gang. The Juves drop the bag on the counter and a particularly cocky-looking one addresses Tina in a gruff voice: "You Tina?, We bin lookin' for you, you make servo skulls right? I got a job needs doin'." The Juve said he was called Kibble and claimed to be the leader of the Smokers! When Tina laughed in disbelief, he unzipped the bag to reveal the top half of a female goliath covered in blood. "Dose Scraggin' Cawdor scumbags cut our old leader in half with a chainglaive! I'm the boss now but I want a memento of the old one, tough bitch see were, think she could still be of use to us."

Tina grabs her tools and begins to work.

Tina removes Braids head and begins the process of converting it into a servo skull. The operation goes well.

A while later Tina steps out of the back room, a Medi Skull floating after her. The skull drift silently over to Kibble and hovers next to his shoulder. Kibble looks the skull up and down; "Still a tough old bitch." Then, glancing round to one of the other Juves; "Worm Food, pay the woman. Bullet Stopper follow me." He then exits the shop with the servo skull and one of the Juves in tow. The remaining Juve drops a bunch of creds on the desk, nods at Tina then silently turns and follows the others out the shop.


Incoming message


>>> Subject: Alert to all sanctioned prospectors currently operating in zone designated “Cog-Port Terminal”

>>> Source: Commercial Council of Cog-Port

>>> Thought for the day: In business, a man with nothing may still spend his life

Attention respected partners!

>>> Situational analysis - The CCCP commends prospectors on their spirit of social entrepreneurialism. This demonstrates the “self-start” qualities we expect from clan house members.

The CCCP particularly commends those prospectors that have setup new businesses in the hospitality and logistics sectors: The serving of healthy beverages; the provision of sanctioned, wholesome entertainment; and a profit-driven approach to key transport logistics are key to the regeneration of Cog-port, serving its people and, more importantly, Lord Helmawr. To those prospectors who have staked out the coast of the Worldsump Ocean we commend your faith in the Emperor.

>>> Next steps – Continue realisation of strategic goal #2: “X-pand.” Prospectors are reminded to synergise their efforts with those of their fellow partner-prospectors! REMEMBER: The quick bring profits, the dead bring loss.

>>> Environmental analysis - The CCCP has conducted the following deep dive into the on-the-ground situation:

1. Manufactorum – The ancient machinery of Cog-port are marvels of Adeptus Mechanicum technology. Despite age and abandonment, we expect the consistent and reliable provision of power to the sector with minimal leakage or seepage. Respect the machinery!

2. Natural jungle – The biounty of Cog-port is exmemplified by these verdant areas, particularly as their reproductive season approaches. Disregard all scare-mongering around the carniverous, brain-devouring nature of these plants and their spores. The vegetive state of some recently returned from these areas is not conclusively proved to be related to the actual vegetation.

>>> BEST PRACTICE SUGGESTION – You do not need to be faster than your pursuer, only faster than the man next to you.


Fungal Horror

The Dark Hand vs. Children of the Many-Armed God

Winner: The Dark Hand - Smelting Works Claimed

Smash and Grab

Search and Destroy vs. Tombstone

It was a tense time tonight in the Ancient Manufactorum... There was a rumour of a shipment passing through which Fluke Hiverwalkers killer robots just had to intercept... Initial engagement was slow with the first shots fired having minimal impact. Even though they were from a plasma rifle...

As things progressed it got more and more tense till the lesser programmed more binary robots made some crucial errors... One such error being don't open a door when there is someone on the other side, nay... Don't open doors at all... The lesson was learnt.

It was when the two sides, robot and flesh monger, really got face to face that things got a little too intense and all of a sudden people were running left, right and centre. Leaving just one brave robot vs 2 meat bags.

Unfortunately the brave robot calculated possiblity of success over a turn and then subsequently fled as well.

And thus the meat bags kept thier prize in tact with minimal damage, although one meat bag did look like he needed medical attention...

Winner Tombstone - Generatorium Claimed

Manufactorum Raid

Crytex Confederacy vs. Wasteland Warriorz

Both of Crytex Confederacy's champions and their leader are hobbling about the markets looking for bionics available at discount price. Sadly even if they were to find any their light purses would struggle to afford even one.

As they turn to leave the markets they could see a crowd gathered in front of new Bazaar. Getting closer Du Plessis can make out the lime green armour of the rival Van Saar faction that had so recently hindered their attempts to blow up a Manafactorum.

What cheek! Not only did they stop him from setting off a few measly bombs they were now brazenly hawking what should be his wares!!

With a grumble Du Plessis turns heel and stalks off, wheezing from his recent chest injury. Du Kock panting from a similar injury keeps pace whilst Van der Dussen gamely follows behind, his right leg dragging slightly with each step.

The Wasteland Warriors demonstrated to the Crytex Confederacy who are the favoured House Van Saar faction tonight stopping them from blowing up the Manafactorum and setting up a Tech Bazaar with the spoils.

Winner: Wasteland Warriors - Tech Bazaar Claimed

Sneak Attack

Smokers vs. Atomic Pyrobolum Redux

Winner: Smokers


Joestown Boys vs. The Moral Marority

Joestown boys killed the Moral Majority’s leader, Terrence Rattigan.

Winner: Joestown Boys - Refuse Drift Claimed

Smash and Grab

Paramedicae vs. Wasteland Warriorz

Hearing of the Wastland Warriorz heroic defence of the Manufactorum against rival van saar gang the Crytex Confederacy the Guilders chose to employ them in defence of a horde of loot from the Paramedicae .

The guilders neglected to inform the Warriorz that the sector where they stashed the crates suffers from the occasional power outage...

Plunged into darkness the Paramedicae moved up fast. Desperate to smash and grab the crates and get their hands on every dirty guilder credit they could find.

A photo goggled Orlock ganger took potshots at the van saar with his trusty gun shrouded autogun keeping the van saar at bay with no way of knowing where the firing came from and only the sound of footsteps approaching the Warriors moved up using the bulk of the gangs muscle power to force open the now inoperable doorways.

As quick as it had gone off the lights came back on, but this wasnt for long, a blackout hit the sector!

Unable to see much into the distance the Orlocks and van saar moved ever closer...

Hugging the corridor walls, the Warriorz steadfast leader Maximus crept up upon Scooter the photo goggled Orlock, carefully aimed his new prized possession he vaporized the sneaky Orlock with a molten stream of melta.

Paramedicae returned fire, keeping the van saar pinned to cover and hunkered down long enough for Gristle the Orlock Champ to order the gangs newest recruit, a plucky young juve by the name of Joker to rush forward and open up a loot crate. The Joke was on him as he found it empty of any stash, now in the open and facing the majority of the van saar guns he was promptly shot to pieces.

With so few of the Orlocks still in action they began to withdraw. Gristle was the only member with the stomach in him to continue the fight.

After seeing the effectiveness of the Van saar melta gun the lone Orlock marched into the van saar ranks and promptly dispatched two of the warriorz with his own melta gun.

Lucky to survive such a deadly weapon Gregor the Warriorz champion will be recovering for some time, Willhelm a young ganger was not quite as lucky, taking a hit to his hand he might well find wielding a knife a tricky task indeed! (-1 ws)

Seeing such devastation weaponry turning his gang to mush the Van Saar considered a tactical withdrawal but stuck it out long enough until the vastly outnumbered Gristle withdrew leaving a trail of destruction in his wake.

Happy with such a defense the Guilders paid the Warriorz handsomely from the stash.

Winner: Wasteland Warriorz - Workshop Claimed

Smash and Grab

Bravo-99 vs. The Unseen Blades

Tech Bazaar Claimed


The Smokers use an Isotropic Fuel Rod to establish a base on their Stinger Mould Sprawl. This Territory is now counted as Settlement.


Joestown Boys vs. The Wayward Sisters

The Wayward Sisters met Uncle Joe’s Boys amid clouds of fungal spores and the thrashing vines of Cog-port Mangrave plants. The enmity between the two gangs as shooting started was bitter, by the end truly poisonous.

Uncle Joe’s boys got an early drop on the Sisters, a heavy stubber blasting through spore clouds and cover to fell Rosie Rush - the Needle rifle-armed sniper yet to hit a single target.

The Sisters’ new Ambot, Sugarplum, was next to fall. After tunneling up behind the Orlock’s lines, she stomped around ineffectually before being felled by Bolter shots to her cranium.

The Sisters finally retaliated when champion Rina “Right-eye” Ruiz set about melting hearts with her meltagun. One Orlock felled in the proper manner, she beat another to a pulp with the guns butt before judging her work complete and heading for home.

Pinky was next to fall. Despite going toe-to-toe with a masked bounty hunter for several long minutes, she was eventually brought low by the mysterious figure’s power sword. Somewhere, a drunk scummer with a plasma pistol stirred, a strange feeling of anxiety in his belly....

On the verge of fleeing, the Wayward Sisters finally struck back: Jalia Julienne, the toxin terminator, clattered through one Orlock fighter. Shrugging of grenade blasts that nonetheless left her bloodied she finally met Uncle Joe in single combat. Stiletto sword clashed with servo claw and for a moment it seemed the Orlock’s superior strength and toughness would prevail. But the dull ache spreading through the venerable fighter wasn’t just age. One of Jalia’s poison blades had found its target. Frothing at the mouth, joe finally fell. His last sight an Escher boot heel descending.

Enraged, the remaining Joe’s sought vengeance, immediately wounding both Jalia and Naomi, the Sisters’ leader. But before the Orlocks could send the women along with Uncle Joe the Eschers melted away into the dark.

The gang had failed to secure any new territory... but had left their mark on the Orlock gang.

Winner Joestown Boys - Old Ruins Claimed


Virgil did seem rather keen to escort Whimper to the docs, unfortunately they seemed to get a little turned around. In his fragile and delirious state whimper actually thought they might have been had been walking around in circles. When they finally reached the med shop and Virgil roughly dumped him on the gurney, Whimper couldn't help but notice there were a lot of skulls scattered around.

"The Doc", a rather slight woman, with an oversized mechanical arm was smoking a cigar. Her colourful apron was rather spoiled by the copious amounts of blood spattered over it.

"What's it going to be this time, Virgil? Sensor, medi or gun-skull?"

"Why don't you surprise me?" Virgil said as he strapped Whimper to the gurney.

Whimper, whimpered...

Escape the Pit

Smokers vs. Search and Destroy

It was a smokey night out in the Stygian Depths today... As the newly "leap around the map" programmed droids met the aptly named Smokers in battle over a local Mine Working territory.

It's was an uncharacteristic strategic start from the Smokers which put them into a strong position but also an early decision to call retreat post the Juve catching a high charge Plasma Rifle shot to the face which ultimately ended up costing them the battle.

Some bold events such as the new leader dropping a smoke grenade for cover but also not realising that the building was closing in on him combined with a triumphant stand at the end put down due to some slippy footing meant ultimately that running away was the best move for the Smokers... Leaving the clanking robots behind to clean up the remaining crates of loot.

Winner: Search and Destroy - Mine Workings Claimed


Bravo-99 Vs The Unseen Blades

The Enforcers of precinct Bravo-99 had a great, tense, potentially emotional, rematch against Dan’s Unseen Blades yesterday. Following the successful defence of the Guilder Cache last week, Captain Haltt ordered pursuit as the sneaky Delaque withdrew into the darkness of the Stygian Depths. That may have been Unseen Blades’ plan all along, as one of their number was revealed to be a deadly Cyborg Murder-Assasin! During the shoot out, the remaining Delaque were driven with extreme prejudice, but in the chaos, the new Enforcement-pattern Ambot was disabled meltagun fire, and Subjugator-Diaz was knocked from a high gantry, down into the stygian depths, suffering a cruel critical injury...The cyborg was blown apart by heavy Enforcer fire, and the day won, but at what cost to the Bravo-99 squad?

Winner: Bravo-99 Mine Workings Claimed


Joestown Boys vs. Wasteland Warriorz

After a well paid weeks work defending the Guilders Cache the Wasteland Warriorz of house Van Saar took the sea of credits they had earned to the mercenary guild and procured the services of an Ambot from Episilon Mining District X, Slave Automata "Grinder'.

The Giant of a machine first saw action whilst the Wastland Warriorz rested up, the dastardly Joestown Boys of House Orlock took the Warriorz by surprise.

The Maraudering Orlock gang rushed the defensive perimeter. A quick and bloody shoot out ensued, as they came close "Grinder" clearly determined to repay his dept for his freedom from the mining quarries of Episolon X took it upon himself to pulverise any Orlock that got too close.

Reeling from the punishing hail of firepower Joestown boys beat a hasty retreat. The Warriorz, were not without their own losses, The fresh face of "Koro" covered in gore with the bloody mess that only Orlock Bolter rounds could make. He quietly without so much as a whimper slipped into darkness.

Winner Wasteland Warriorz - Bone Shrine Claimed


Joestown Boys vs. Wasteland Warriorz vs. The Cherry Bombs 980

With barely a moments rest the Warriorz were approached by a mysterious man claiming to be an agent from the upper hive, possibly a house delaque informant. The warriors weren't sure but with a healthy reward on offer they agreed to escort him.

The Joestown boys disgusted at the defeat they recieved earlier double down and persuaded the ladies of House Escher gang The Cherry Bombs to join them in stopping the Agent from ever escaping Cog Port.

Meandering their way through a Zone Mortalis, a region now familiar to the Wastland Warriorz (4 of 5 games!!) the Uphive Agent of Unknown origin followed the Van Saar into the confined corridors.

The Orlocks opened fire from across the corridor. Heavy stubber shells and grenades rained down.

House Van Saar pushed forward seeking shelter out of sight of the fearsome Jonestown guns, setting up a rearguard action two of the warriors long Las sniper gangers made it their mission to keep the Orlocks at bay.

"Maximus" led the Warriorz through the twisting maze of corridors and doors, as they turned the first corner the guns of house Esher blazed, a bolter shell struck "Grinder" square in the chest, taking the wind out of his sails.

Seeing the Orlocks approaching and knowing "Franz" and "Karl" could only keep then at bay for so long he dove into another corridor, taking "Kaizer" with his trusty meltagun (not before melting the face of a Cherry Bomb ganger) the agent and "Alexis" with him. Alexis closed the door behind them, the thud of Orlock shells hitting the heavy steel door.

Magnus and Gregor poured plasma fire into the Esher and Orlock ranks, hoping to keep them away from the doorway Maximis had led the escort into. A fierce firefight ensued, Gregor scored a stunning hit, dealing intolerable damage to the Esher juve. A memorable death that will soon be forgotten, such is the cheapness of life in the underhive.

Within striking distance of the escape Maximus, Kaizer and the agent rounded yet another corner only to be met with a sickening taste hitting the back of their throat, gasping for air the gas cloud was only now visible to them. The Eshers Chem thrower gushed toxic fumes towards them.

Still on his feet Maximus ordered the Agent to make a dash for the exit.

In a cloud of thick yellow gas the agent as quickly as he arrived slipped away.

- Battle Ended in a Draw -

The Hit

Paramedicae vs. The Dark Hand

The devious Dark Hand of the Delaque surprised the Paramedicae with the intent to take Handsome Jack, their leader. Just 9 Paramedicae, some not even armed, were caught cold by 8 Delaque, with more on the way. Vigil the Dark Hand champion and marksman fires twice to would Handsome Jack before he even moved. The Paramedicae responded but they knew they were surrounded. Handsome Jack kept his calm and knowing his gang had the high ground started to return fire. Wraith, the Dark Hand, leader pinned Jack again but he soon was up and charging towards him. One of the Orlock pinned the other Delaque champion but he quickly jumped up and webbed him and to his subsequent horror he fell from the buildings roof but was unharmed. However, Delaque Juve quickly took him out of action. Meanwhile other members of both gangs were exchanging fire with little effect. The Paramedicae were now holding their own and two weapon less fighters charged the Hands meltagun. One was turned to slag but the other reached melee combat and a long and not very brutal fight began! Toast tried to join in but he was gunned down by a new Hard ganger appearing at the tables edge. Both the Hands long rifles were now out of ammo with Wraith really struggling to reload his after seriously injuring Jack.

With Handsome Jack down and seriously injured and their numbers dwindling it looked bad for the Paramedicae but they would not bottle. Vigil managed to reload his long rifle but their leader, Wraith continued to struggle for the second battle in a row. Then Jack gritted his teeth and dragged himself upright again, if the Paramedicae were fighting on so was he. Gristle lead the charge and rushed forward with his melta gun, long rifle shots either failed to wound or his made some incredible saves, he was even knocked off a walkway but carried on. A juve and ganger of the Hand fell before his melta gun. Still Vigil put long rifle shots into him but by some miracle he managed to keep going and finally engaged the Hand fighter in melee when his meltagun ran out of ammo. Meanwhile Ajax and Scooter battled on seeing their leader up again but by now they were surrounded and constantly being pinned. Scooter fell from a walkway but survived again and he too found his ammo to be in fine working order. Sadly no sooner had Jack clambered to his feet then he was encased in web and as he struggled a Delaque Juve, Dakar, took him out of action. Gristle then fell in melee with Vigil and the Paramedicae bottled.

From a difficult start the Paramedicae defended really well but in the end being surrounded by the Delaque left them nowhere to go. Gristle was a star for the Paramedicae and they rolled amazingly for injuries only having one ganger recieving any sort of long term injury. The Hand have a single ganger in recovery but a new Juve has joined. Cracking game.

Winner: The Dark Hand - Mine Workings Claimed


Ahoy hey juvees! Ain’t you glad to hear from your uncle Otto again? What? Well, you will be glad boyo and if you ain’t, well you really won’t be, you mark me words child. Now then, I feel I been a bit hard on you. Well, some you deserved. All that whinin’ was unbecoming. But I been too harsh, I admit. You see, I found a new peace in me life. Raisin’ Lil’ lady here’s been a part of it, fo sure. But also, I taken up cultivation. You know growin’ things, turnin’ nothin’ into somethin’ – bit like you lot. Anyways, I been growing this plant, loves the sumpy mud. Green, wavy thing. Reckon it might be good for eatin’ one day. And it don’t bite or anything! What’s that? No, it don’t chase you neiver ya muscly berk. Well, whether it’s tasty or not, it’s done wonders for me equilibrium. Yeah, it’s a word. Look it up, ya div. So, anyway, I been feelin’ warm, kindly, an’ generous, an’ I had time to look over your boxes of stuffs from yer settlements. Got some good news for all o’ya. Let’s start wiv these ones shall we?

You wanna look good? Lho sticks! All the cool kids suck ‘em. So that’s for the Dark Handers and Wasteland Warriors. What’s that? Frothin’ blood? Not that I heard. Not frothin’ anyway. You lot don’t look like you could get any sicker anyhow.

Right, who’s next. Search and Destroy - done much of that have ya? - and Bravo 99, well you lot are appropriately named. Second Best for you two, an’ this is the good second best mind. You won’t go blind, not totally anyway.

Ok, ok, Wayward Sisters – where you been? – and Paramedicae, healing hands? Yeah I got one o’ them for sale. You get the Wild Snake. Don’t drink it all at once! Yer uncle Otto wants a drop an’ if you neck it in one… well, just don’t, eh?

So, Jonestown Boys, I sold yer old man ‘is first trowel, and Crytex Confederacy - Van Saar?! Shoulda saved Lho Sticks for you too with the frothin’… Medicae Kits! I checked the needles work for ya an’ all – had a cheeky boil needed lancin’. What? Weren’t on me face, was it ya div?

Now, next up Smokers, yeah I know Lho Sticks, blah blah, and Unseen Blades, you best keep ‘em hid round ’ere you sneaky gits. A data thief. Listen in to yer enemies. What? Listen, you know with yer ears you roidy gimp. Try it some time.

Children of the many armed god, that’s a mouthful innit you gobbly freaks, and Tombstone - You never heard of washin’?Well, got Blind Snake Pouches for you. Mystical communion with the ancient hive spirits… or just keep yer head down.

Atomic Pereneumy whatsits, Cherry Bombs, and the Moral Majority. I pity you, I really do. Cred Sniffers, kids. You flippin’ need ’em! Remember to come spend it here, yeah?

So finally… grow tiger? Gore together? No, Groentige! Yeah, got nuffin for you ‘cept this box. Just, don’t open it ‘ere, yeah? You’ll see why, you’ll see why. Can’t bear scuttly things. Good luck, eh?



Hi, hi mateys! Gather round, come close duckies. Not that close! You got social problems? Blimin weirdo. Right, that’s good. Now listen, I got an ear in on the Council. What? I mean I got contacts, yer div. Fella tells me things. But, yeah, I got an ear too. Found it just lyin’ about. Me master-crafter boy was gonna put a little vox-capt in it but… Oh, of course you ain’t heard ‘ave you? Yeah, lad came down with old leaf-lurgee – told you to watch out for plants and not worry ‘bout the lightnin’ didn’t I?

Anyway, he went rampaging all over the shop, right ol’ mess I tell yer. Shame I sold all that plant-buster stuff, really. Anyway, he’s locked in the back now. Weird fungal bits sprouting out of him. Little mushroom thingies. I always told him to find somewhere to put down some roots, har har. Didn’t mean it like that of course. Tragedy. Tragedy. An’ no master-crafted weapons soon neither I’m afraid. But there I go digressin’ again. You knows I hate it right? I catch you digressin’ and hoo boyo…

But yeah, right, the council, yeah, so you all been doin’ a great job with the explorin’, regeneratin’ etcetra – whinin’ about danger aside – but apparently there’s some shonky old domes not too far from ‘ere you lot ain’t been in yet. Scared are yer? Call yourselves prospectors? Well there’s prospects there right enough. Who knows what’s in there – all manner of tunnels and hidey holes, pits and the like. Weird stuff o’course but creds to be made too, I’d wager. Just make sure you remember to spend it at yer uncle Otto’s, right? So I suggest you get on over there toot der sweet and all that, see if you can’t find yerself something profitable.


Joestown Boys vs. Crytex Confederacy

To be fair most of my guys beat the shit out of each other. Turns out that though Van Saar aren’t good in combat they are enthusiastic participants.

Winner: Crytex Confederacy - Fighting Pit Claimed

Toll Bridge

Smokers vs. Bravo-99

Patrol Bravo-99 has been tasked with seizing control of a critical crossing that was allowing contraband to flow freely into cog-port. The ultra-violent Smokers, stimmed out of their minds, commutes to keeping the bridge open and honour old Longshanks’ legacy of rebelling against the great and good Lord Helmawr. Subjagator Captain Haltt could not let that stand, ordering full lethal force action, including unleashing Tunnelling Enforcement Droid (TED)-209.

As the Ambot burst into the Smokers side of the bridge, withering covering fire lashed out as Bravo-99 took positions, Subjugators advancing on the bridge led by Sgt Jefferz. As the hyper-stimmed Smokers Karnage, Blade, Tank and Skarr charged unnaturally fast through smoke to engage the Ambot. While Karnage hacked into the Ambot, gouging it deeply, Skarr threw a bouquet of blasting charges into the combat, causing a spectacular explosion that engulfed the entire bridge tower. As the smoke cleared, many Smokers lay injured. The berserk TED-209 and enraged Sgt Jefferz charged the remaining Smokers and secured the bridge for justice, and Lord Helmawr. The Smokers, while hurt, seemed almost delighted just to have chased mayhem and carnage across the dome…

Winner: Bravo-99 - Slag Furnace Claimed

Forgotten Riches

The Groentige vs. The Cherry Bombs

Winner: The Cherry Bombs - Synth Still Claimed


Search and Destroy vs. The Unseen Blades vs. Wasteland Warriorz

So... It was a brutal night in the Unstable Dome for anyone not wearing a bright Van Saar outfit... Search and Destroy (who did nothing of the kind) and The Unseen Blades walked into a bit of a trap while trying to *Scavenge* some supplies...

The Delaque were quick off the start to begin the fight but the subsequent fire left their champion in pieces...

The Van Saar advanced.

The not-so-killer robots approached tactically but even the eventually got caught out by the sneaky Bounty Hunter with a crazy scatter shot... And then even the Delaque got in on the party with a flamer, templates everywhere...

There was one stand out fighter... The super Juve from the Unseen Blades, but unfortunately he couldn't hold his nerve when he finally got to the prize and subsequently bottled out.

Shortly after this both the Delaque and the Killer Robots left licking their wounds... All the spoils let to the Warriors...

The Wasteland Warriorz heared whispers that the dastardly Delaque gang known as the Dark Hand planned to attack them.

The Hand was in the process of concocting a vicious poison!

Unfortunatly for them a mishap in the lab laid the Delaque gang low. (@⁨Paul Ellwood Necromunda⁩ was ill )

Still expecting a scrap the Warriorz went on the *Scavenge*

Thanks for write up @⁨Simon Necromunda ⁩

Magnus was a dead eye shot, laying low 3 enemy fighters.

Resulting in the capture of the Unseen Blades Champion _Dusk_

Winner: Wasteland Warriorz - Archaeotech Claimed


The Wayward Sisters vs. Children of the Many-Armed God

Winner The Wayward Sisters - Needle Ways Claimed


Incoming message


>>> Subject: Alert to all prospectors currently operating in zone designated “Cog-Port Terminal”

>>> Source: Commercial Council of Cog-Port

>>> Thought for the day: “When a man serves Him On Terra, he becomes industrious, trustworthy and prosperous. If that man when he gets all he can and saves all he can, does not give all he can, there is more hope for the xenos, the heretic, and the mutant.”

Attention respected partners!

>>> SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS: POSITIVE - The CCCP commends prospectors’ efforts in restarting the machinery at the heart of the Cog-Port terminal. Adepts of the Mechanicus are currently engaged in divining the full purpose and function of the machine. The Adepts have assured us that they are over 50% certain that cases of atomic level flensing should now reduce. The adepts further note that instances of static storms, howling winds, an overwhelming sense of crippling dread and other environmental phenomena are entirely normal. Prospectors are encouraged to take preparatory measures.

>>> SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS: NEUTRAL – The CCCP notes the grasping success of a number of prospector groups. This is contrary to the spirit cooperation we expect in Cog-Port. The CCCP further notes the abject failure to grasp success of other prospector groups. This is contrary to the spirit of securing profits for Lord Helmawr we expect in Cog-Port. Measures will be taken to ensure that those gangs securing the most profits have increased space for further profits.

>>> SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS: NEGATIVE – The CCCP is concerned at recent lapses in food safety protocols. Adepts Biologis believe these lapses are the direct cause of the recent outbreaks of Brainleaf Fungus. We discourage prospectors from consuming any food from non-sanctioned sources, in particular any food a Coggle or fellow prospector may have told you is “home made” or “locally sourced.” The CCCP is carrying out investigations to identify the sources of these tainted foodstuffs. Remember: Your daily ration of Corpse-Starch contains all the nourishment and flavour you need! Furthermore, it is guaranteed to reduce your chances of turning into a shambling corpse.

>>> NEXT STEPS: Prospectors are expected to continue their cooperative regeneration of Cog-Port’s trade, hospitality, and logistics infrastructure. With a significant number of new businesses now up and running, we encourage prospector groups to work together to ensure the maximum profits from every resource. We further encourage prospectors to work together in a peaceful manner to ensure that the most competent management is in place for each resource.

The CCCP wishes you a profitable cycle.



Paramedicae cThe Unseen Blades vs. Children of the Many-Armed God vs. The Cherry Bombs

Search and Destroy vs. Bravo-99 vs. Crytex Confederacy vs. The Dark Hand

Winners: Children of the Many-Armed God & The Dark Hand

Rescue Mission

The Unseen Blades vs. Wasteland Warriorz

The 'Unseen Blades' having paid a local scummer a hefty price to reveal the whereabouts of the safe house where the Wastland Warriorz had their champion 'dusk' held captive.

They loaded up on the latest imperial technology, photo goggles, gun shrouds and proceeded to plunge the whole sector into darkness!

Rescue Mission

Stumbling through the black the Warriorz sentries knew something was afoot, no sooner had the lights gone out 'Franz' stumbled upon a delaque ganger (turn 2! Very unlucky) the two adversaries froze for a split second startled at the appearance of the enemy they both immediately grabbed their guns and fired, missing!

'Franz' scrambled around for his comms unit and immediately raised the alarm.

"Maximus" and the gangs champions were busy playing with their latest extravagant purchase a pet cyberarachnid they had picked up from Otto.

Hearing the crack of gunfire over the box unit they raced to the site, coming up behind the Delaque.

Knowing they hadnt much time the Delaque pushed forward into the night, forcing the Van Saar to get up close and personal they opened up with flamers, 7 of the warriors quickly caught fire, unable to extinguish the flames they sprinted in every direction their armoured undersuits keeping the worst of the heat off. Not a single Warrior succumbed to the inferno.

Seeing the majority of his gang in flames "Maximus" sent "grinder" on a rampage.

He proceeded to tear the nearest unseen Blades ganger to shreds, but not before the new cyber arachnid pet was blown to pieces (dead!) Maximus took great delight in taking out two of the Blades Gangers with his new meltagun, "Magnus" let off an assault of super hested plasma, killing one of the Delaque instantly.

Whilst the reinforcement had arrived the Warriorz sentries had a desperate battle of their own against the on coming delaque.

On his first assignment the Warriorz juve "Jaeger" and with the majority of his fellow gang members on fire he was the only thing standing in the way of the blades freeing "Dusk".

Blazing away with his Archaotech crafted Las pistols he feld one of their number but he couldnt hold them all at bay. One of the delaque snuck past. No sooner had the blades ganger made contact with "dusk" the thunderous guns of the Warriorz and ever louder footsteps of Grinder the ambot was all too much for the blades gang who decided to swiftly flee the battlefield leaving "dusk" to his fate.

Winner: Wasteland Warriorz


The Risotto was, like most food on Necromunda, of dubious provenance. If a man tells you he has a Mushroom Zombie imprisoned in his house then later mentions that he is using homegrown and locally sourced produce in his cooking and would you like some of his home cooking, probably best to say “no.”

Gangs delete a Fighter of their choice and add the Fighter’s equipment except their armour to the gang’s Stash.


The Trap

Search and Destroy vs. The Groentige

Search and Destroy heard that there were still some easy pickings in the unclaimed territories, moving into the *Collapsed Dome* they figured that nobody would want this broken down place… But to them, there are so many valuable parts here! But Alas, it was *a TRAP*!

The Groentige came from all sides, relentless and brutal in their intentions. Some *Chocking Clouds* stifled the combat to start with meaning both sides took fairly ineffective first steps in destroying the opposition. There was a relay of shots across corridors, lasers and plasma lighting up the old Dome for the first time in what could centuries…

And through the flashing lights a gruesome image walked forth, ZOMBIES! Both sides sent the mindless beasts into the fray, the Search and Destroy Zombie (known as "Zombie DR01") quickly made meat of out of the little spider which had attempted to slow it down and then charged into what now will be known as the Van Saar wall… A mighty ganger, brave enough to hold up three of the Venators in hand to hand combat for not one, not two but three whole turns of ineffective face slapping before the Search and Destroy champion, Alpha Strike, got sick of it and stepped in end this madness…

But at this point it was too late for the killer robots, the tactical Van Saar with their Arachni-Rig had closed the gaps and were now surrounding the brave tin cans… In what then seemed like two swift and painful turns, after the leader of Search and Destroy (Kill Bot 5000) figured this was lost and fled, the rest of the team were quickly disposed of by mutli-las carbines and plasma gun shots.

When the dust settled, the green suited foes had laid a clever trap and came out the victors for it. Now proud owners the *Collapsed Dome* territory and a new captive, Battle Droid 2…

Winner: The Groentige - Collapsed Dome

Tunnel Skirmish

Joestown Boys vs The Unseen Blades.

The JoesTown Boys crept into the tunnel system, wiping the sweat from their brows. The humidity was stifling and the darkness oppressive. It was just what they were looking for.
“This looks good boss” Whispered Bob to Jimmy who stood looking down the length of the tunnel to the shadows that seemed to shift and shimmer in the heat. “Hardly any cave ins. They won’t see us coming” Continued Bob. Jimmy sighed and spat his stoogie into the ankle deep filth. He’d have to find some new boots...
“Where’s Chedda Dave?” He asked to the small group of Orlocks who had followed him down.
“He’s sick. A little green behind the gills” smirked Vinnie. “We had to lock him in the fridge. He was getting worse than Ossy.” They sniggered.
“Hey! It’s a condition! I can’t help it.” Sulked Oswald. “Anyway, I’ve been real good since those Juves...”
Everyone went silent. No one wanted to dwell on that night. It even made Kando feel uneasy, and he never got phased.
Lady Luck must have been smiling on them, as that moment of silence reveals the smallest splash of water as feet crept through the other end of the tunnel.
“We got company” snarled Jimmy.
Vinnie didn’t need any further instruction and levelled his heavy stubber. The spray of bullets peppered the darkness and they heard the grunt of someone being hit, and a larger splash as the body hit the water.
Jimmy ducked as a large caliber round zinged over his head and smacked Vinnie in his chest plate. The mesh armour holding back the worst of the damage. The rest of the gang moved to cover.
“Shirley! Frag, 20 metres!” Roared Jimmy as shots rang out.
Shirley fired the grenade over Jimmy’s shoulder. It sailed through the air and splashed into the water. For a moment Jimmy thought it was another dud round from the faulty shipment Hazza brought in a couple of months ago, but then there was a an explosion that lit up the tunnel and shook the walls, sending chunks of crumbling masonry into the filthy water. The flash of the frag round illuminated bald heads and round black eyes. Delaque.
“Keep frosty boys! Sneaky fucks abound!” Jimmy shouted. Kando, as silent as ever shot off down the tunnel to the left with Oswald. There was a bulkhead to another part of the sewer system, and he wanted to make sure there were no surprises. Between Jimmy and Bobs bolter fire, and the incessant spray from Vinnie’s heavy stubber, several of the Delaque went down. Suddenly though Bob shouted something to Jimmy, but he couldn’t hear what over the bullet fire. He shuffled to the left so he could hear better. As he did a stream of white hot energy burst through the plate metal of the cover where his head had just been. Bob screamed in anger at the Delaque and downed the melta weilding menace with explosive bolter rounds. Jimmy gave him the thumbs up. Bob smirked, until a solid round hit him in the chest.
“Bob!” Yelled Jimmy, as Bob tumbled head first into the stinking water.
Raging with anger, Jimmy unlatched a blasting charge from his belt and hurled it at the Delaque. It exploded and the remaining Delaque in the tunnel screamed as shrapnel sliced through their armour. He looked over the barricade to see two of them writhing in the grey water, and one who was very, very still.
In the tunnel to the left Oswald opened the door and peered through into an empty maintenance section,but as he turned to send the all clear to Kando, a wash of flame spewed over them. Luckily, the bulkhead took the main brunt of the fiery blast, but both of them found themselves aflame and hurriedly tried to pat out the fire. Shirley looked through the bulkhead, which was now illuminated by the fire, and saw the glint of black glass from a Delaque Juves photogoggles. He loaded a krak round into the chamber of his grenade launcher and sent it flying directly between the poor boys eyes. The last thing Shirley saw was the Juve’s mouth making a perfect O. Blood sprayed across the walls. Shirley smiles at the small pleasure.
The bullet fire lessened, and then stopped completely. The sound of hurried splashing could be heard as the remaining Delaque scuttle back to their shadows.
Jimmy ran over to Bob and pulled him out of the water. He felt for his friends pulse. It was faint, but it was there. He breathed a sigh of relief.
He heard Oswald swearing off to his left, as he and Kando put themselves out. Jimmy then got up and walked over to the downed Delaque. One was crawling back towards the safety of a bulkhead exit. Jimmy put his soiled boot onto his back, and lit another stoogie. “Well hello, welcome to Joestown.” He grinned as the Delaque leader squealed.

Winner: Joestown Boys - Tunnels Claimed


The Groentige vs> The Wayward Sisters

Congratulations to @⁨Jonny⁩ and the groentige who have secured the tunnels territory in a swift dash to escape the pit. The Wayward Sisters made an early dash to escape with a variety of loot, but after taking some early casualties decided that discretion was the better part of valor and melted into the shadows.

Winner - The Groentige - Tunnels captured

Last Stand

Search and Destroy vs. Children of the Many-Armed God

The opportunity for revenge was ripe in the air, so ripe that even the tin can nose of a Battle Droid could smell it...

It was time to catch those damned aliens from *The Children of the Many-Armed God* unaware and put them in a corner as they secure the new service of a local *Rogue Doc Shop*...

It was the *Last Stand* for the squirmy Xenos scum... But alas, fate was not with the robots tonight... Even with never ending recruitment the slippery aliens got away. Not without some casualties though! One unfortunately fell into the dark depths of a out so only time will tell how he turns out, but the highlight of the battle was the Zombie on Zombie action! Much slapping to little effect...

This proved way more important than expected in the end when most of the extraterrestrial flies field the battle but the brave Leader and the even braver Zombie stayed on to secure the victory!

Winner: Children of the Many-Armed God - Rogue Doc Shop Captured


The Unseen Blades launched a resuce mission against the Joestown Boys to try and free leader Ink. Ink managed to free himself before being greviously injured, joining the rest of the Blades who had seven shades of shit knocked out them. Wraith, the one sensible ganger who bottled before getting injured ended up being captured.

Winner: Joestown Boys


Paramedicae vs. The Moral Majority

Winner: Paramedicae - Corpse Farm Captured


Moral Majority attacking, attempting to claim Paramedicae's Corpse Farm. Ambush repelled with half the defenders managing to escape.

A Key moment was when Paramedicae used drop rigs to descend the main tower, only to have a Cawdor Juve leap after them. The kamikaze juve landed on top of Handsome Jack and two of his champions killing himself and detonating his hidden explosives. the resulting explosion injured the three Paramedicae underneath him and caught a 4th in the blast! This sent Paramedicae into disarray and nearly prevented their escape.

Winner: Paramedicae


The Wayward Sisters Chapter vs. The Unseen Blades

Sugarplum the ambot clanked and shulamith the zombie shuffled through out of the dark pipeway, the chems, spices, and spook on their backs glowing faintly.

“Shhh,” whispered Rina, “we’re supposed to be moving silently”
“Yes, yes, Rina darling we can all hear you being silent,” hissed Naomi. She froze, one hand raised, “And now I can see someone being invisible.”

In the dark behind her, there was a faint rustle that meant Jalia had already vanished into the needle ways, ready to ambush those who would ambush them. “Those sneaky egg-heads, everyone - get to your positions. These are our needle ways and we’ll keep them - no takeovers on my watch. And anyone who brings me one of those fancy Delaque knives wins a prize.” With that, Naomi grabbed Rina by the arm and began moving toward the shadows of the Unseen Hand creeping toward them.

The Unseen Hand had brought scum, lots of scum. Naomi and Rina prepared to take on one group, but a crack from the shadows above revealed another hired gun - infamous sniper Yar Umbra. Rina hit the ground, blood glistening at her side as Naomi sprinted for cover. But Rina was only lightly wounded, taking her aim she dropped the bounty hunter with a return shot. All around them ineffectual fire from all sides lit up the dark in flashes of green and red.

Reckless Hate sniffed the air, ignoring the stench of the mushroom thing as it hit the ground next to him, trailing the tang of cordite. Mummy was close and beyond her a new smell. Jalia burst from the shadows and reckless hate followed. The new smell faded beneath the sweet perfume of toxins. Together, the needle ways group began to flank the Delaque intruders, shotgun shells and autogun shells pinging off their armour and around the rat’s feet.

Yet, even as another scum fell to Jalia’s blades, Naomi and Rina were doing badly. Rina saw the enemy leader and, as a blur of striped fur scaled the tower, realised her mistress had too. But although Naomi struck first, none of her blows found their mark while the pasty shade’s single thrust left the Escher leader a crumpled heap. Yet, Before the Delaque could do more than grin, a las-blast sent him toppling from the tower to the ash below.

Rina was ready to finish off the groaning Delaque but suddenly felt a clamming hand on her arm. The Unseen Hand had a mushroom zombie too! Rina felt the zombie claw at her exposed skin, but fought off the worst of its attacks. She was ready to finish the beast for good, Otto could have some more fresh ingredients, but a distant whine then a sudden burning at her back was the last thing she heard. The Delaque leader was back on his feet and waving his melta around, innaccurate needle rifle fire and the shambling approach of the Wayward Sisters’ own zombie doing little to distract him.

Reckless hate followed his mummy up the ladder. He was eager to feel flesh between his teeth, but found his mistress Jalia already standing over one fallen Delaque, green foam at his lips and wounds, and ready to bring her tender mercies to the bleeding sniper across the gantry. Below them Pinky readied her shotgun time finish of the bleeding Delaque leader as he grappled with her fungally-enhanced sister. However, before she could pull the trigger the pale faced warrior flicked something to the ground. There was a crack and a puff of acrid smoke. When it cleared Shambling Shulamith the zombie stood alone, a snake-handled knife protruding from her chest.

The Wayward Sisters had seen of the enemy challengers. From above Jalia called down that Naomi would be fine in time, while Rina appeared from the shadows dazed, her armour burnt away, but otherwise un hurt.

Later: Naomi sat up. “Welcome back,” said Jalia peering down at her. “Got you a knife. You owe Shambling Shulamith a prize. Brains I’d suggest - assuming if you can find any round here.”

Naomi looked at the knife. “Fancy,” she said and sparked the mini-narguilah at her side. “Those Delaque fought well, all things considered. I should’ve had that pasty freak.”

She drew on the narguilah, lost in thought. “Needle Ways are our ways. But let’s show some respect. Invite them to the Drinking Den. We’ll keep this knife. Let them poison their bodies with that trash.”

She drew again on the pipe. “Never cared for drink like that anyway, m’bodies a temple.”

Jalia tapped the narguilah with her sword. “I can see,” she said drily.

“Smoke goes into the lungs, they don’t count as your body. Just empty spaces, darling.” She took another drag. “Send Shulamith with a message: we accept this dagger, the Den is yours. Let them drink. If that doesn’t kill them, we will the next time around.”

Winner: The Wayward Sisters


Search and Destroy vs. Wasteland Warriorz

The rumour was true...

The droids of *Search & Destroy* (Venator Gang) had been promised to be *paid in full* if they could make their way to *abandoned munfactorum* and *Sabotage* the *Wasteland warriorz* and ammo Jack "Artemis Kreigs" *Workshop* .

The droid fighters sneakily approached. Their attack protocol fully engaged, with murderous efficiency they dispatched "willhelm" Who's blood curdling scream could be heard by every "wasteland warrior" in the sector.

With the *Alarm raised* the Warriorz reinforcements flooded the workshop.

The droids quickly began opening fire on "the target" and any remaining warrior sentry in their path. With their Las weaponry they inflicted some minor damage to the target. (1 wound) and tied up the Warriorz bizarre zombie creature "Jaeger".

"Maximus" the Warriorz leader ambushed search and destroys leader and surrounding entourage who had just taken out Wilhelm. Maximus's melta gun took out a droid, his fellow champion "Magnus" pet RIP with his plasma gun, seriously Injured another. Now laying on the floor seriously injured Maximus's trusty Caryatid took the droid out of action.

"Wolfie" the gangs pet Cyberarachnid scuttled forward and proved ever inefficient with his web gun.

From the opposite end of the workshop "Gregor" the Warriorz champion sneaked behind three more droids and put his new multi melta to use. Hearing a *click* his chamber was empty but his single shot was deadly.

Hitting three and immediately taking two out of action including one of the gangs champions "all seeing eye" who would have trouble moving anywhere fast in future. *hobbled*.

In revenge the droids tore into Jaeger, ripping him to shreds! Who knows what will become of the *critically injured* zombie creature.

Returning fire the warriorz dispatched the majority of the remaning droids, the Van Saar closed In to protect the target, taking out search and destroys last remaining droid before encircling the gangs leader, "Killbot 5000" who had been repeatedly blasting away at the target with a plasma gun. (Taking the target down to one single remaining wound)

The Warriorz who by now had the droid encircled poured shot after shot into the leader, who ducked, dived and weaved itself through melta, shotgun and Las rifle rounds (two meltagun shots in a row failed to wound ????????)

Killbot 5000 was finally dispatched at the end of "kaizer's" gun, the killbot may have trouble in future being such a good shot with an *eye injury*.

The Warriorz successfully defended their territory ensuring that Artemis Kreig would continue to serve the gang. In the process they *captured* a single member of search and destroy by the name of "droid 4".

Just as they were promised search and destroy the venator gang was *paid In full* to the tune of 260 credits.

Winner: Wasteland Warriorz


Paramedicae vs. Crytex Confederacy

Paramedicae have always desired a monopoly on the medical industry of the hive, and actively pursue this ambition at every opportunity. So when word reached them of a small Rogue Doc operating in the newly established Cog Port, they mobilised to put him out of business permanently. Unluckily for them the doc got word of their plans and informed another local firm by the name of the Crytex Confederacy who showed up in force to deal with Handsome Jack and his Paramedic Thugs. The two gangs clashed in the sewers beneath Cog Port but little did they know that on the battleground they had picked there could be only one winner; Mother Nature!

Both gangs were forced to retreat when the flora of Cog Port turned deadly. What started as a small mushy growth in the sewers, sprang to life, engulfing the battle ground and poisoning everything it touched. The gangs exchanged a few shots in the beginning with a Crytex Zombie baring down on Handsome Jack, who fired both his plasma pistols on full power which exploded and left him enfeebled. But then as the zombie was being finished off the plants struck! What was a small firefight between rival gangs degenerated into a desperate struggle for survival, that saw both sides fall back with little gained.



Paramedicae vs. The Wayward Sisters

Winner: The Wayward Sisters

 Gang Standings at the End of Chapter 1

  1. WASTELAND WARRIORZ Van Saar (GotU) Rating2955 Reputation19 Wealth3080 Kills2 Battles8 Territories5

  2. BRAVO-99 Enforcers Rating2465 Reputation17 Wealth2580 Kills10 Battles5 Territories4

  3. SEARCH AND DESTROY Venators Rating2155 Reputation5 Wealth2183 Kills12 Battles9 Territories2

  4. PARAMEDICAE Orlock (GotU) Rating2130 Reputation5 Wealth2355 Kills5 Battles9 Territories2

  5. JOESTOWN BOYS Orlock (GotU) Rating2045 Reputation13 Wealth2175 Kills0 Battles7 Territories4

  6. THE WAYWARD SISTERS Escher (GotU) Rating2010 Reputation12 Wealth2040 Kills26 Battles8 Territories2

  7. THE DARK HAND Delaque Rating1920 Reputation16 Wealth2142 Kills19 Battles5 Territories4

  8. THE GROENTIGE Van Saar (GotU) Rating1860 Reputation4 Wealth1935 Kills0 Battles3 Territories3

  9. CRYTEX CONFEDERACY - CELL DELTA 09 Van Saar (GotU) Rating1700 Reputation11 Wealth1730 Kills5 Battles8 Territories3

  10. CHILDREN OF THE MANY-ARMED GOD Genestealer Cult Rating1600 Reputation9 Wealth1695 Kills7 Battles6 Territories3

  11. THE CHERRY BOMBS Escher (GotU) Rating1250 Reputation10 Wealth1350 Kills0 Battles3 Territories2

  12. TOMBSTONE Venators Rating1200 Reputation3 Wealth1380 Kills0 Battles2 Territories2

  13. ATOMIC PYROBOLUM REDUX Delaque Rating1000 Reputation1 Wealth1035 Kills0 Battles1 Territories1