On The Rob

In the back alleys, pipelines, and sewer-warrens of Cog-Port beyond Corpse Town, the gangs clash over Caskets of the Mysterious Crystals. One gang is trying to make off with their stolen loot, the other is trying to ‘recover’ the stolen items – purely out of civic duty, of course.

Attacker and Defender

  • This Scenario has an Attacker and Defender

  • Randomly determine which gang is which


  • This Scenario is played a Sector Mechanicus or Zone Mortalis Battlefield

  • The Defender sets up 6 Loot Caskets. These must be setup at least 6” away from board edges and any other Casket.

  • No other Loot Caskets or Crystal Clusters are setup in this scenario.

Crew & Cards

  • The Attacker uses the Custom Selection (7) method to choose their crew and chooses 2 Tactics Cards.

  • The Defender uses the Random Selection (D3+2) method to choose their crew and selects 2 Tactics Cards randomly. The rest of their Gang are setup as Reinforcements.

  • Reinforcements enter from the 2nd turn onwards. Roll a D3 to see how many Reinforcements arrive each turn until all the remainder of their Gang has arrived.

  • When deploying reinforcements, number each board edge from 1-4 and roll a D6 to see which edge they arrive on. On a 5 the Attacker chooses the board edge, on a 6 the Defender chooses the board edge.


  • The Defender may deploy their Crew anywhere on the board so long as each Fighter is within 3” of a Loot Casket.

  • After the Defender is fully set up the Attacker deploys within 6” of a board edge of their choice.


  • The Attacker is searching for stolen Mysterious Crystals. Unfortunately for them, the Defender grabbed a bunch of other junk too. Whenever an Attacking Fighter opens a Loot Casket roll a D6. On a 3+ it contains Mysterious Crystal. The Player should note how many Mysterious Crystals are recovered in this way and by which Fighter. On a roll of a 1-2, the Attacking Gang gains D3÷2 credits (to a minimum of 1 credit, rounding down fractions).

  • The rules for carrying and opening loot caskets can be found here, but remember to use the above rule for determining its contents.

  • The Defender cannot open Loot Caskets for any reason in this scenario.


  • The battle ends when one gang has no Fighters left on the board.

  • If at the end of the Battle the Attacker has found 3 Mysterious Crystals, they win. Otherwise, the Defender wins.

  • If either Gang voluntarily Bottles Out and flees the battlefield, their opponent wins. If the Defender voluntarily flees, the Attacker is assumed to have opened all the remaining Loot Caskets. Roll a D6 for each Casket as normal, however, their Fighters do not gain XP for opening the Caskets.

  • The Defender has the Home Turf Advantage.

  • No Fighters may be Captured in this scenario

Rewards & XP

  • Every Fighter that took part in the battle gains 1XP.

  • Every Fighter that found a Mysterious Crystal in a Loot Crate gains 1XP.

  • The winning gang gains D6x10 credits.

  • The losing gang gains D3x10 credits.

  • All participating fighters mark their fighter card with an additional 🔶 symbol.


  • The winning Gang gains +1 Reputation.

  • If either Gang bottles out, they lose 1 Reputation.