Cyber Monday

Following the explosions that rocked corpse-town, suspicion is everywhere and reason absent. The gangs are at each other’s throats looking for someone to blame, little caring to acknowledge that it might be one of their own that’s the imposter…


  • Standard Battlefield Setup

  • Randomly place 6 Loot Caskets. The rules for these can be found here.

Crew & Cards

  • Both players get a starting crew of Custom 10 fighters & 2 cards (chosen).


  • Roll off to choose who deploys first.

  • The first gang deploys within 6” of a chosen board edge. Their opponent deploys within 6” of the opposite edge.


  • Driven by suspicion, each gang is simply attempting to do as much damage to the other as possible. Until the imposter is revealed, anyway.

  • Whenever a fighter suffers a wound, roll a D6. On a 5+ the Fighter is removed from the board and replaced with a suitable model to represent the Lost Imposter. The removed Fighter is not counted as having been taken OOA for the purposes of Bottle Tests or Lasting Injury rolls – it’s assumed the real fighter is actually back in the gang hideout getting over a monstrous hangover. If the Fighter revealed to be the Imposter had gained any XP prior to being revealed, these are not recorded.

The Lost Imposter

The Lost Imposter has the following stat line, loadout and special rules:

Weapons: Two Bolt Pistols with Las-Projectors, Shotgun with Executioner Rounds.

Wargear: Light Carapace Armour, Displacer Field, Frag & Krak grenades

Skills: Fast Shot, Gunfighter, Iron Jaw

Special rules:

  • May not suffer a Coup de Grace action until reduced to 0 Toughness (see below)

  • OOA rolls treated as SI

  • Automatically recovers from SI in the End Phase, taking a Flesh Wound, if they roll equal to or under their Toughness.

  • Gas and Toxin Weapons, or any other Weapon or Ability that would normally result in an injury roll being made regardless of how many wounds the target has, count instead as doing 1 Damage to the Imposter.

  • Once the Imposter reaches 0 Toughness as a result of Flesh Wounds, it may removed from board through Coup De Grace action only. While reduced to 0 Toughness it may still Crawl (Double).

  • The Imposter ignores the results of Flash, Scare, and Concussion weapon traits.

  • If subject to the Blaze condition, the Imposter still takes a hot as normal but will not move randomly and can still perform other actions.

Control: The Player with Priority controls the Imposter but must always attempt to fulfil the Imposter’s Mission (see below). The Imposter is activated by the controlling Player in the same way as their Gang members, but it is never counted as a Friendly Fighter.

Mission: When the Imposter is revealed roll a D6 and consult the below table:


  • The battle ends when one gang has no Fighters left on the board or the Imposter has left the board.

  • No Fighters may be Captured in this scenario (the gangs don’t want to take into their hideout a Fighter that may turn out to be another Imposter).

Rewards & XP

  • The Gang the delivered the Coup de Grace to the Imposter receives 50 credits.

  • Every Fighter that took part in the battle gains 1XP, except the Fighter revealed to be the Imposter.

  • Fighters receive 1XP for every wound they inflicted on the Lost Imposter


  • The Gang that delivered the Coup De Grace gains D3 Reputation.

  • If either Gang bottles out, they lose 1 Reputation.