Corpse Town gon’ gunk you up

Gunk, when burnt, provides light. When traded it provides credits and when consumed it grants wisdom – For if it does not kill the consumer they will know never to drink gunk again. It is a precious commodity and the CCCP wants more, no matter the cost. Fortunately, as a corpse’s skin swells, distends, and bursts with foulness pustules, so Corpse Town has Gunk Tanks. These ancient and rusting tanks can be tapped for their contents. And so, like maggots feasting on a dead body, the inhabitants of Corpse Town may thrive on gunk.


  • Standard battlefield setup – Sector Mechanicus or Zone Mortalis.

  • Place a suitable model for a Gunk Tank in the centre of the battlefield.

  • Place 4 Crystal Cluster Markers

  • Randomly place 6 Loot Caskets. The rules for these can be found here.

Crew & Cards

  • Both players get a starting crew of Random 7 fighters & 2 cards (chosen).


  • Roll off for deployment priority then deploy as normal on opposing edges of the battlefield, no more than 6” from the edge.

  • Fighters with the ability to Infiltrate, may not be deployed anywhere within 12” of the Gunk Tank.

The Gunk Tank

The Gangs are attempting to siphon off as much Gunk as possible from the tank, then escape the battlefield.

  • If the Gunk Tank is hit by a ranged or close combat attack roll a D6 and add the weapons Strength (S). If the result is 9+ centre the 5” Blast Marker on the point hit. Any Fighter touched by the Marker is blinded unless they can pass an Initiative (I) test. If the weapon that hit the Gunk Tank has the Blaze Trait, any Fighter touched by the Marker takes a hit from a Flamer, unless they pass an Initiative (I) test.

  • Weapons with the Blaze trait and the Scarce trait lose the Scarce trait while within 3” of the Gunk Tank. If they do not have the Scarce trait, they gain the Plentiful trait instead.

Lugging Gunk

  • A Fighter in base-to-base contact with the Gunk Tank can make a Siphon (DOUBLE) action.

  • Place a suitable Gunk Token on the Fighter to show they are carrying Gunk. A Fighter can only carry one Gunk Token at a time.

  • If Seriously Injured or taken OOA, the Fighter drops the Gunk Token where they fell.

  • A Fighter carrying a Gunk Token hit by a weapon with the Blaze trait automatically catches fire. They do not drop their Gunk Token.

  • A Fighter carrying a Gunk Token may escape the battlefield carrying their precious Gunk by moving into base-to-base contact with any battlefield edge. Fighters removed in this way do not count towards Bottle Tests.

  • If one Gang forces the other Gang to flee or takes all its Fighters OOA, it adds D3 Gunk Tokens to its total before the battle ends.

Gathering the Crystals

  • A standing and active fighter that is in base to base contact with a Crystal Cluster Marker may make a harvest crystal (double) action. Make an intelligence test for the fighter, if successful the controlling player gains a Strange Crystal loot marker to represent the crystal, then roll a D6, on a 5+ the Crystal Cluster Marker is removed.

  • Each time a fighter successfully harvests a Strange Crystal, permanently mark their fighter card with a 🔶 symbol or similar. This does not currently have any effect, but you will need to keep track of this throughout the campaign.


  • The battle ends when only one Gang has Fighters left on the board.

  • The Gang that removed the most Gunk Tokens from the battlefield wins. Otherwise, the battle is a draw.

  • No Fighters may be Captured in this scenario.

Rewards & XP

  • The Winning Gang gains d6x10 creds

  • The Losing Gang gains d3x10 creds

  • In the event of a draw both Gangs gain d3x10 creds

  • Each Gang gains D3x5 credits for every Strange Crystal they harvested.

  • Every Fighter that took part in the battle gains 1XP.

  • Each Fighter that escaped the battlefield with a Gunk Token gains 1XP.


  • Each Gang gains +1 Reputation for taking part.

  • If either Gang bottled out, they lost 1 Reputation.