There’s Somethin’ Movin’ An’ It Ain’t Us!


  • Set up a single Sector Mechanicus battlefield

  • This a group scenario with all gangs fighting against each other and the arbitrator

  • Set up the egg sac in the middle of the board

Crew & Cards

  • Each gang selects 2 fighters to deploy, the rest are held in reserve

  • Each player will always have 2 fighters on the battlefield at the start of their turn. If one is removed choose another fighter from reserve to place 6” from the battlefield edge in your next turn before activating any fighters

  • The players start with no Cards but may be prompted to draw one randomly by the arbitrator


  • gangs deploy equally spaced around the edge of the battlefield, 6” from the battlefield edge

Ain’t Got Time to Bleed

  • This scenario does not use the normal turn sequence. Instead the turn order will be established at the beginning of the scenario and will run continuously through to the end of the scenario. There will be no rounds, no bottle checks, and all fighters are considered to be ready at all times (even after having completed their activations.)

  • On their turn players may choose which of their two fighters to activate

  • When activating a seriously injured fighter, move as normal then roll for recovery at the end of their activation instead of waiting for the end of the round.

  • A player may voluntarily move a fighter off the board in order to secure an egg or to swap over fighters, when they do this they may pick which fighter enters the battlefield, but it must be from the same point the previous fighter exited.

The Creature and Its Eggs

  • The creature is protecting its eggs, the objective is to be the gang that steals the most eggs in the time limit.

  • Any fighter in base-to-base contact with the egg-sac may make a Harvest Egg (simple) action

  • A fighter may carry up to 2 eggs (this requires 2 Harvest Egg (simple) actions)

  • A fighter carrying 1 egg may only use pistols, basic or one-handed close combat weapons (no unwieldy or two-handed)

  • A fighter carrying 2 eggs may not use weapons or equipment

  • If a fighter carrying an egg attempts to use a grapnel launcher, drop rig, jet pack or other accelerated movement device roll a D6 on a 1-3 they drop the egg and it breaks

  • A fighter can secure an egg by physically carrying it off the board

  • If a fighter is seriously injured or taken OOA while carrying an egg roll a d6: on a 1-3 the egg breaks, on a 4-6 the egg rolls 2d6 in a random direction (if this moves it off a ledge repeat the above test to see if it breaks or rolls again)

Not paying attention

  • The fighters are too distracted listening out for movement and watching their own backs to follow orders - group activations cannot be used in this scenario

  • Infiltrate can not be used in this scenario


  • The battle ends when either only one gang remains of the battlefield or the time limit has expired

  • The Gang with the most eggs secured off the board at this point wins