Bridge Over Doubled Slaughter

The ancient toll bridges across Corpse Town’s myriad creeks, inlets, and sumplettes are the only reliable way of transporting heavy goods and materials across the settlement. They are also a reliable way of earning creds. And a reliable way of earning creds is a reliable way of causing a fight to control it.


  • Standard battlefield setup – Sector Mechanicus or Zone Mortalis.

  • Create a 12” void between 2 halves of the battlefield, this is Sump Creek.

  • Use a single gantry (or similar) to make a bridge across this void. This should be able to pivot up to 90 in the middle. 

  • Players may also add flotsam and jetsam (e.g., barricades, barrels, etc.) to the river that their Fighters can use as steppingstones to cross the river. Each piece should be at least 3” from another..

  • Place 4 Crystal Cluster Markers: one in each players half of the board and 2 on the bridge.

  • Randomly place 6 Loot Caskets. The rules for these can be found here.

Crew & Cards

  • Both players use the Custom 10 method to select their Crew.

  • Both players choose 2 Tactics Cards.


  • Roll off for deployment priority. Crews must deploy on opposite sides of the bridge, no more than 6” from the board edge.

  • Skills, Tactics Cards, or any other rule that would allow a Fighter to Infiltrate or otherwise deploy outside its Gang’s deployment zone can only be used to deploy the Fighter on its Gang’s side of the Sump Creek.

Sump Creek

The Gangs are attempting to secure control of the Toll Bridge, regulating entry and exit to this sector of Corpse Town.

Fighters cannot voluntarily enter Sump Creek; Fighters that do enter the Creek are immediately taken OOA.

Fighters may attempt to cross the Creek using the flotsam and jetsam mentioned above. Fighters may either:

  • Jump from one piece of flotsam and jetsam to the next, using the usual method for jumping gaps.

  • Use a Row (DOUBLE) action. The Fighter remains standing on the piece of flotsam and jetsam and moves up to their Strength (S) in inches.

  • In either case, a Fighter that finishes its activation standing on a piece of flotsam and jetsam must pass an Initiative (I) check or fall into the Creek.

  • Fighters that go Prone and Pinned or Seriously Injured while on a piece of flotsam and jetsam must also pass an Initiative (I) test or fall into the Creek.

The Bridge

  • At the beginning of the battle, the bridge joins the two banks of Sump Creek.

  • At the end of the 3rd round and every following round roll a D6. On a 5 it pivots 90° to the right, on a 6 it pivots 90° to the left. On any other result it remains stationary.

  • When the bridge moves, Fighters within 1” of either end must pass an Initiative (I) test or fall from the end. If the end was connected to the bank before it moved, the Fighter(s) fall onto the bank and are Pinned (They may also suffer the effects of falling, if the bridge is high enough). If the end was not to connected to the bank before it moved, the Fighters immediately fall into the Creek and are taken OOA.

  • If a Gang fails a Bottle Test, any of its Fighters on the Bridge while it is disconnected from the banks do not need to make a Cool check – They have nowhere to go and automatically pass. If the bridge is subsequently reconnected to the bank, they must take Cool checks as normal.

Gathering the Crystals

  • A standing and active fighter that is in base to base contact with a Crystal Cluster Marker may make a harvest crystal (double) action. Make an intelligence test for the fighter, if successful the controlling player gains a Strange Crystal loot marker to represent the crystal, then roll a D6, on a 5+ the Crystal Cluster Marker is removed.

  • Each time a fighter successfully harvests a Strange Crystal, permanently mark their fighter card with a 🔶 symbol or similar. This does not currently have any effect, but you will need to keep track of this throughout the campaign.


  • The battle ends when only one Gang is left on the board.

  • If the surviving gang has 1 or more Fighters Standing and Active or Prone and Pinned within 12” of the centre of the Toll Bridge, they win. If not, the battle is a draw. 

  • No Fighters may be Captured in this scenario.

Rewards & XP

  • Both gangs gain 2D3x10 credits.

  • If one gang wins, they gain an additional D6x10 credits.

  • Each Gang gains D3x5 credits for every Strange Crystal they harvested.

  • Every Fighter that took part in the battle gains 1XP.

  • Any Fighter that crossed the river using the bridge or flotsam and jetsam gains D3 XP.


  • Each Gang gains +1 Reputation for taking part.

  • If one Gang wins, it gains an additional D3 Reputation.