The Gangers have chased Ned and his cronies down into the depths with more passion than sense. The interrogations of his rejects have revealed a new drugs, with inconsistent consequences, you have each managed to find a vial of the strange liquid. You may choose to take this drug during the next mission with the following consequences. If you captured 3+ rejects, you can Re-Roll this result.

Roll a D6:

1 : “Out of Action!” - You slurp the fluid and immediately fall to the floor.

2 : “Drugs are bad, m’kay!” - You foor to the floor, prone. Roll on the injury dice.

3-4 : “It’s medicine!” Add +1 wounds to this model, if they have suffered a flesh wound, they heal one flesh wound.

5 : “I feel great!” - You down the substance and immediately you feel better than you have felt in the entirety of your short life. All wounds restored, in addition you may choose to add +1 Movement, +1 to Strength, or +1 Agility for the rest of the game.

6 : “ITS OVER 9000!!” - You’re positively glowing. No seriously, you’re skin has become lumescent. That aside, you gain a clarity and confidence you can not explain, everything is possible, you can not fail (you can) - you, have, the power. “All the positives of 5 but each attribute is increased by +1. You also cannot fail the next cool test for the rest of the game. All further checks meet with a 2 modifier. You also gain a 6+ invulnerable save to all attacks.


Each tile will be placed as the gang decide on a direction to take, only then will the loot and enemies be revealed. Don’t hang around for too long though, Trevor is coming!

Tactic Cards:

The group are unprepared for the challenges ahead, no tactics cards can be used.


Each player may select any number of able gangers to take part in this scenario.


Gangs get deployed in the starting are of the first tile placed.


Escape the Labyrinth and take out as much of Neds gang and capture as much loot as possible.

The Rejects:

The profiles for Ned’s gang can be found on this roster

As soon as a ganger appears in the escape tunnel, Ned will try to run off with the stash. Unfortunately he has misplaced the key to his escape hatch. From now on roll a D6 at the end of each turn, on a roll of 6 Ned has managed to open the hatch and is free to move through it in the next turn, unless he is engaged in combat. (i.e. if you plan to ‘get Ned’ you best approach him en-mass!

The Rejects will shoot anyone who comes within range (as before) and will charge anyone who gets with 4”.

Ending the battle

Once all the Rejects have fled, been captured or killed. The scenario ends. If all gangs bottle out the scenario will also come to an end.