Factions Overview



Established by Horatio Pinkerton who claimed to have foiled an assassination attempt on Lord Helmawr. They are now mainly employed as union breakers and enforcer squads by the Guilders.

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Recruited from the lesser sons of the Noble Houses. The Marshals root out fraud and corruption, drawing on their connections and web of spies and informants. Usually confined to the mid tiers of the hive it is strange to see a marshal in the Underhive.

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Faction Favours

On the ​second ​and ​fourth ​week of each Act the player may request assistance from their Faction leader in the form of ​Faction Favours​. ​This replaces House Favours from the main rule book.

The players rolls 2D6 (adding any modifiers as decided by the Campaign arbitrator) and consults the table below.

2 - 3 : No effect

The Faction Leader ignores your worthless cries.

4 - 5 : Arms shipment

The player may spend up to 50 creds at the trading post up to a rarity value of 9. Any left over creds are lost.

6 - 8 : Faction Trainer

4 gangers / juves gain D6 EXP, roll separately for each fighter.

9 - 10 : Trainee

The player receives a Watchman / Deputy depending on Faction alignment.

11 - 12 : Reinforcements

The player receives a Special Officer / Enforcement Marshal depending on Faction alignment.