Week 9 Battle Reports

Wayward Sisters

(House Escher)


GoreVak’s Warherd


Winner: Gorevak’s Warherd

Skyvault Guild



The Screaming Erinyes


“I’m up…I’m running… I’m DOWN”. The cant repeated in ‘Little’ Tiope’s head as she bounded up, sprinted forward and dived behind a crate, shots cracking as they passed over her head. She’d received little training as a gang Juve, but this golden lesson had stuck with her and was keeping her, and the rest of the Erinyes, alive as they build up their position on the left bank of the Greater Corpseflow river, ground currently contested on the right bank by a goup of Squat Venators. Far to their left another Escher gang was assaulting similar positions held by an Outcast gang, their stray shots occasionally lighting the dome as they flew across the battlefield. The Venators had dug in early and were laying down a furious pattern of fire. Plasma bursts, high powered Las, grenades and some kind of sniper fire all poured from the far bank, however the Eschers of the Erinyes bounded gracefully from cover to cover, never a clear target from more than a moment. Less graceful were the Hive Scum they had hired to support the assault, one falling to a sniper shot as she tried to harvest the strange crystals and another being hit by a Krak grenade, blown to his back but miraculously standing up and dusting himself off.

Steeling herself that that if a lowly male scum could brave the fire and survive, she bounded out of cover and up the ladder she had been directed to. The Queen had been clear before the advance, the girls would hold a firing line on the bank while the Scum charge the bridge and draw fire, all a distraction to deliver to Tisiphone, their lethal Death Maiden across the river and into close quarters with these subhuman scum, too close for them to use their superior firepower. Tiope was to provide smoke grenade cover to the advance, but was dismayed to see the tell tale laser lines and dots of infra sights stabbing across the river, still she had a job and she would die before she failed her sisters. Topping the ladder, she gave a cheer as she watched Lady Augusta, their noble-born champion glide forward and drill a cowering Squat with her golden boltgun. The cry died as a tremendous impact drove Tiope to her knees, green light and heat overcoming her. As she fell she saw a gurning Squat in gargantuan armour lowering a smoking Plasmagun, pain threatening to overcome her, the acrid smell of her flesh crisping filling the air as her head impacted on the hard metal of the gantry. As she lay with the stench of her own burning death filling her breath, her eyes found the silent, still eyes of the Death Maiden Tisiphone inches from her face.

The mute killer of the Erinyes was a fixed point among the chaos, the world seeming to rotate around that intense stare. Both intense fear and pride gripped Tiope, forcing her to her knees as she pulled the ring from a smoke grenade, pain arcing across her with every movement. As she began her throw the Death Maiden leap onto the open bridge, fire passing across and above her. Helpless fear held Tiope as she saw the grenade fail to active and drop from the bridge into gurgling waters, the Death Maiden exposed on the coverless gantry of the bridge. The fear was pointless. Tiope was awestruck as she witnessed the Death Maiden surge with unnatural speed, bounding forward into the Squat line, heading straight for the cowering leader of the Venators like a awful spirit of vengeance and death as she dropped from view. “Denn die todten reiten schnell” whispered the Scummer crouched next to Tiope in low Gothic, equally enthralled by Tisiphone’s charge. A guttural scream rent the air as blood was thrown across the girders of the bridge, Tisi bounding back into view to skewer another Squat who had barely had time to react. Blinding plasma fire again ripped through the air, but as Tiope’s vision cleared she witness the unstoppable Maiden diving into cover back towards the remaining Squats.

Screaming the undulating Escher War Cry and fighting through the blinding pain of the plasma burns Tiope gripped her stub gun and charged across the bridge, scummer in tow, heart pounding in anticipation of the awful fusillades that would surely drive her from the bridge. Nothing came. As the pain of her injury slowed her, she saw the Squats were instead hastily pulling back, fear etched into their faces, fear of the seemingly unkillable undead that now stalked their bank of the river. “Barricade both ends, I want this bridge locked up tight” shouted the Erinyes Queen as she mounted the bridge behind Tiope “double watch until we’re sure those mutants aren’t coming back”. Tiope, adrenaline still surging through her turned to follow her leader’s instructions but was halted by a stern look from the Queen. “Didn’t I tell you to take cover” she asked with a frown “get those burns looked at, then get a signal Uphive back to the Council of Crones, now the routes are open we might be able to bring some outsized cargo through”. “Oooh Fluffy” giggled Lady Augusta as she drew up beside the Queen, bright eyes flashing and a wicked smile gracing her pict perfect face.

Winner: The Screaming Erinyes




Corpse Town’s Compunction


It was a confusing night for everybody.

The orders for the Bellowers were as vague and disheartening as ever. "Show some Enforcer presence and try not to get yourself killed." There was value to be had in tolling those bridges. Half the squad were laid up from their previous engagement so they rolled up on a loitering ensemble of scum and hunters to fill out the ranks. "If you live, there's money to be made."

Turned out to be a cheap night from that perspective.

The Enforcers approached the bridge with caution, not yet knowing who was lurking in the deep shadows on the other side of the stinking river. The manic snickering and the occasional puff of flamer smoke soon gave that away - Cawdor. Must be the Compunction looking to establish their control over the bridge.

As the battle for control began, with the ka-chunk ka-chunk of grenade launchers mixing with the fizz of lasguns, the hive scum picked up just moments before saw a chance to make a name for themselves and chanced the bridge. Patrolman Jenkins laughed and shook his head as the bridge suddenly swung right, dropping the poor bastards straight into the drink.

What ensued from there was...well, nothing, really. The manic laughter from the Cawdor side occasionally managed to string together a fully formed prayer, filling the skies with blinding light and making ranged combat completely ineffective. When the snipers on the Enforcers' towers did manage to see something to shoot, their well-aimed shots were inexplicably diverted by the strange robotic cherubs floating around the Cawdor fanatics. In the tumult, patrolman Hart managed to fire a smoke grenade directly at his own feet (thanking Lord Helmawr he hadn't loaded frags). Patrolman Dozer fired a single grenade and spent the rest of the combat failing to reload. He'll have to practice those drills again.

As the ineffective battle raged on, eventually it dawned on the combatants that whatever contraption had turned the bridge clearly had no intention of turning it back. The Cawdor flames couldn't cross the width of the river, and all the scum that the Enforcers had collected were dead. Seeing that no good could come of continuing, both sides eventually started to slink off into the night; nothing gained, but only bottom-feeders lost.


Acid Lake Sharks



Lord Helmawr's Lawful Murmurations


Crucial the victory was Muerta, the Acid Lakes Sharks Deathmaiden, who took the fight to the enforcers by storming the bridge and mincing a juve. This was answered by the enforcer leader 5W4NN who dealt out swift justice with his shock maul.

Winner: Acid Lake Sharks

Sector 7 Furnace Lords



The Sump Dredgers

(Squat Prospectors)

Despite taking 3 serious injuries, the Sector 7 Furnace Lords managed to take the bridge through the liberal application of smoke grenades. Goro the Jugger, the Goliaths teleporting Stimmer nearly took the bridge by himself before going insane due to the corrupting influence of the warp.

Winner: Sector 7 Furnace Lords

A cloaked figure sits hunched on the bank of a factorium run-off. A fishing pole clasped in its gnarled hand.

Suddenly a strange shape bobbing through the effluents catches its bloodshot eye. Grabbing its trusty net and moving to a more advantageous position the figure manages to fish out of the slurry a small body clad in befouled carapace armour.

Probably one of the poor unfortunate souls involved in the gunfight near the bridge upstream the figure thought, turning to open a small leather bag containing a selection of sharpened instruments. “Oh well, at least this will keep us fed for a few days”.

A flurry of movement caught the attention of the bloodshot eye and turning the figure was confronted by the diminutive body it thought dead now very much alive, and holding a stub pistol in a threatening manner.

“I am Greymund, Charter Master of the Sump Dredgers. And you have two choices. One; you kindly point me in the direction of Corpse Town and I leave here quietly. Or two; I give your brain some extra ventilation.”

The figure slumped down where it had stood in silent resignation, holding out a boney hand in the direction of Corpse Town

Greymund brushed some sump weed off of his shoulder, scooped up the bag of sharp implements the cloaked figure had been rummaging through (might as well commit some light robbery while he was at in) and limped away into the darkness thanking the Emperor for his miraculous survival.

Once again alone, a smile crept across the figures face. “It does not matter” it mumbled under its breath. “You and all those Corpse Town fools who turned on me will soon be dead, or worse.”

Returning home Greymund was relieved to discover that the bag contained enough medical supplies to treat the wounds of his injured fighters. Thinking little of the cloaked figure he had stolen it from, once the supplies had been exhausted, the Sump Dredgers tossed the bag into the sump. After all what use was a battered old medical bag with the word ‘KEET’ stencilled on the side.