Week 4 Battle Reports

Wayward Sisters

(House Escher)


Skyvault Speculation Guild


Winner: Skyvault Speculation Guild

Acid Lake Sharks

(House Escher)


The Screaming Erinyes

(House Escher)

Veridyan leaned back against the wall of her cabin in the Bladed Fin, nursing her wounded shoulder, wondering where it had all gone wrong. The Sharks had been optimistic when they had tied up alongside the jetty in cog port, ready to get their share of the riches, but they hadn’t expected to come across some distant cousins who weren’t so kind seeing them on their turf. She cast her mind back to the battle…

They had been advancing into the mill area, having heard of bountiful crops of these crystals. Veridyan still wasn’t sure about the unhealthy glow they gave off, but the potential for credits always came first with the sharks. Sabbat had found the first crystal batch and had collected a load, she wasn’t even wearing gloves!

As they had clambered up into the buildings surrounding the mill tower, a hail of bullets came streaming in at all angles and they were forced to duck and cover. As the gang stood back up, they all saw movement in the distance, shadowy figures moving around. Veridyan had smacked her bolter against the wall she threw herself behind and the damn thing had jammed. She tried a few times to get it unjammed but the machine spirits were not co-operating..

As they proceeded to advance more cautiously, they saw their distant cousins coming from the otherside of the Mill. With a shout to her gang Veridyan sent Muerta, Rei and Nolla around to the left in a pincer movement. Muerta sprinted off in her usual fashion, leaving the other two behind. Veridyan shook her head in exasperation, this always happened.

As they continued up the gangways towards the central spire, their cousins were advancing slowly upwards as well. Maria started to take potshots at them forcing them to duck and cover and delay their ascent while the left side of the pincer got into place.

Shots were being exchanged across the rooftops, forcing everybody to take cover and advance slowly. The dual threat of the other gang and the shadowy figures making nobody's life any easier.

As they came to the gangway to the central spire, Veridyan kicked the cowering Drungo across the bridge. The local scum they hired to guide them, looked more scared of Veridyan than whatever he was walking into and he started to make his way across the bridge. Veridyan followed close behind.

Muerta, Nolla and Rei were making a move on the left side, waiting for the perfect opportunity when all of a sudden a screaming woman popped around the corner and dosed them all with gas from miles away. Rei tried to shout a warning but found herself choking instead. She keeled over, falling against the ruined wall.

In front of Veridyan there was an almighty bang and Drungo screamed out loud. He had been caught in a sneakily hidden trap and he was bound head to toe in webbing. Veridyan realising any chance of subtlety was gone, primed her shock whip and charged at the death maiden who had appeared on the other side.

Nolla seeing Rei fall down realised they needed to make a move now or it was all over. She yelled at Muerta to charge with her and she stepped forward hosing down the two Escher sisters in front of her with her night thrower, but when the gas mist passed they were still standing. She looked down at her Chem Synth and it was flashing a red warning light. Damn cheap thing she thought, and was suddenly very concerned that she was in the open.

Muerta rushed past Nolla to save the day, but just as she was about to launch herself at the ganger in front of her, the ganger doused them both again with the gas thrower, and this time they both lay choking on the gangway.

Meanwhile, Veridyan’s shock whip lashed out at the death maiden successfully shocking her, but then before she could react a clawed hand lashed out and tore through her shoulder, while a flying foot caught her on the side of the head. She dropped.

Rei realising all hope was lost, grabbed the groggy Nolla and her unconscious grandmother Muerta and pulled them to safety.

Suki and Nokomi, who had been holding off some flankers on the right, heard Veridyan cry out. They clambered up to their fallen leader and proceeded to make a timely escape.

Now the gangers were all licking their wounds on the Bladed fin and Veridyan was furious at the failure. She shouted for Nolla. “Make a call back home and send for Aunt Agnes, we need some serious muscle”

She now knew the name of their cousins… The Screaming Erinyes. She would remember that name and next time she would be the one who came out on top.

Tiope had been watching the shadow for a while. It interested her because it was a shadow where no shadow should be. Whatever it was it hadn't moved an inch in the 10 minutes she had been watching it from her vantage point high above the abandoned mill her fighters had holed up in. As she watched the intriguing what-ever-it-was she kept half an eye on the battle unfolding below her. They had scouted this location early and set up traps, none too soon as a rival group of Escher had appeared gun blazing. She wasn't concerned for her sisters; they were experienced, better equipped than their erstwhile cousins, and well fortified, what did concern her was this unknown observer and its intentions. Her attention didn't waver as beneath her the rival gang queen, charging over the body of the hive scum she had thrown into the waiting mantrap, was swiftly taken down by her stalking Death Maiden. Her focus was unmoved as her specialist exchanged gas volleys with the other gang, neutralising the opposition's Death Maiden and Matriarch. She momentarily turned her head to order her most junior member to stop kicking the vulnerable prone form of said Maiden (it's never a good idea, they don't stay dead) when she saw the shadow move out of half an eye. She dove to the floor as a shot ricocheted off the bulkhead where her head had been. Beneath her she heard several of her sisters exclaim as they similarly took cover. When she raised her head the shadow was gone, although further impacts across the structure betrayed both their presence and intent. Turning her full attention to the melee below she saw the opposing Eschers were dragging their wounded away. "Gather what crystals we have and prepare to retreat" she ordered in their battle cant. As she re-joined her sister she raised a questioning eyebrow at her silent Death Maiden. "SHE WILL LIVE" signalled the silent figure in sharp hand signals, demonstrating an unusual level of chattiness. "Good,", turning she motioned to her newest gang member, "Areto go to the Sharks and present them my compliments and a gift of 'Night-Night', I would hate them to think us unhumble in victory, or to forget what happens when we are crossed". Areto grinned viciously at the backhanded nature of the 'compliment' she would deliver, before noticeable paling when she realised she would be in close proximity to the Death Maiden she had just savagely assaulted. Giving a wry smile seeing the lesson delivered to her junior sister land, Tiope turned away, her visage falling back to its grim norm as she began to consider the mysterious figures who now had clearly taken a hostile view of their expedition, and the unquantified threat they represented.

Winner: The Screaming Erinyes

Sector 7 Furnace Lords

(House Goliath)


Lord Helmawr’s Lawful Murmurations


Captain 5W4NN was determined to take point on this mission. With new grapnel launchers and drop rigs from the explorers guild backing the team, she felt extremely confident that the Murmurations could capitalize on the opportunity to secure multiple crystal clusters from the abandoned mill and win further favour from the backers filling up Corpse Town.

She was cautious about the mysterious "lost" but with her goal set on creating more much needed income for her team she wasn't letting ghosts scare her, she had enough to worry about - G0LD3N3YE'S shaky return to the field chief among them.

The Murmurations entered the crystal rich corpse starch mill the same time as the Sector Seven Furnace Lords. Goliaths were fimiliar territory for the Enforcers though and 5W4NN wasn't about to let their presence effect her game plan. More worrying was G0LD3N3YE'S insistence to infiltrate onto a large overlooking tower - a tactically great idea if it wasn't on the very edge of the Goliaths entry zone. 5W4NN recognised the look in her Seargents eyes however and realized the sniper had his mind set and something to prove.

Before they even came within range of one another shots from no where reigned down upon the two gangs. The lost were here, and although they weren't showing themselves, they made their feelings toward the Enforcers and Goliaths very clear. Bullets bounced harmlessly around the Murmurations and the captain took great delight in watching half of the Goliaths become immediately pinned. She quickly issued orders and half her team were already securing crystals.

Unsurprisingly the Goliaths immediately spotted the Enforcer sniper in the tower, as his rifle rounds missed their mark repeatedly. They answered with grenade blasts knocking back poor G0LD3N3YE and sending him crashing down to earth, a long long way below. A hulking Stimmer stamped the Seargent out of action.

The lost had taken a clear dislike to the Goliaths though and continued to hammer them. Realising that beating the House of Chains back would be better for their reputation than more crystals, 5W4NN issued new orders and focused fire into the opposing gang.

The ensuing firefight was brutal and too close to call but the extra hits from the Lost, and R00Ks shiny new shotgun eventually forced the Goliaths to start bottling out. The remaining Enforcers slowly closing in for the kill.

It had been a painful slugfest and the rookie CR0W and now enfeebled G0LD3N3YE would need time to recover, but the Murmurations could finally call a mission a success.

Winner: Lord Helmawr's Lawful Murmurations

Sable Pyramid

(Chaos Cult)


The Borg Reclamation Project

(Slave Ogryns)



(House Orlock)

The CCCP had being paying handsomely for the vast quantity of crystals the congregation had been bring back to corpse Town. So once again to was time to hunt for more, needing to cover the costs of attrition from the lost or other Gangs, Deogracius knew they need a vast amounts to break even. If he's ever to know the 'truth' then he needs more time and bodies.

On arrival of the fresh patch of crystals the neon green and orange of the orlocks could be seen in a mile away. Gorger's hand started twiting as well, when najiri put arm out to console him she knew his kin where coming as well. Even before anyone could move a hail of bullets rained down from all angles. The damn lost where now mixed in to what will become this proving ground.

The battle begins with milo moving to position where he'll sit for the rest of the fight and began firing across into to high-vis numpties. The rest just moving in with priority no.1 being those shiny rocks. The Barroness had the foresight to set up ahead of time with her khornilng set to just carry as many crystals as he could.

A few small arms fire exchanges occurred between the cult and the orlocks with the ogryn "sneaking" up to crump whoever they can get their hands on. But completely blind siding the orlock, Gorger launches into a fit of rage running around a building crushing a lowly juve before following up into an arms master crushing them both. The blood drenched creature began to hear unnerving whispers this drove him insane. Meanwhile Scragg Axle wanting to get in on this crystal game jumped on a patch. Before he even have a chance to look up a giant loomed over him Las cutter ignited. He wasn't around for much longer... Barry the Chopper moving in get sprayed with autogun fire. Although this was to no effect its self in trying to dodge the shots he fell of the railing. Dropping only a few feet he landed on his head; snapping his neck instantly killing him.

Even tho Gorger the bloated corpse was insane he could sense the orlock leader. Vague memories of his beheading flooded back and his presence was one of those he recognised. Fully out of control he sprint and beats the leader sending 7ft flying humiliating him. He then gets mobbed by 2 ogryn. However to play dead being while already being a cadaver is quite easy, surving without injury.

At this point the orlock battered and beaten where left with 1 fighter. Seeing his moment, jumping from the 3rd story he bodyslams Deogracius knocking him to the ground but no further damage. The ogryn infront of him was far luckier cutting the cult leader down. Dark things where afoot though. His body twisted and contorted into a hulking spawn. The ogryn with 2 insane fighters driven the the brink by a fragment of what najiri the witch knows. Plus a lobo tied up with a spawn cut their looses and fled leaving the Sable Pyramid the only ones standing.

Again obtaining a small fortune the cult knew why they where here and they achieving the crystals atleast. Outside of that they weren't so lucky. No trader trusted them, out right refusing to sell. Probably to do with the 'vastly exaggerated' stories of decapitated undead ogyrn they now harbour. Non the less the rituals kept succeeding so some dark entity was looking out for them.

Winner: Sable Pyramid & The Borg Reclamation Project