Week 3 Battle Reports

Wayward Sisters

(House Escher)


Liminal League

(House Delaque)

Flo woke to hissing. A grubby, foul smelling man was waving a bottle in one hand and a furious looking snake clamped to a stick in the other.

‘Have a nip off either or both,’ he said happily, ‘make you feel alright.’

Flo opted for the bottle. She did not feel alright, she felt wholly awful, but she was conscious and on her feet again.

‘Gonna help yer friends now, take care now,’ the man said and wandered off.


Naomi spat and looked around. The Wayward Sisters were in disarray - bundles of striped fur and spotted lizard print gradually hauling themselves back to their feet, encouraged by the old man and his ‘medicine.’ Fortunately, the Liminal League were in a similar state but Naomi was not going to wait. She sprang to her feet and dashed to the crystal cluster, it was what they were here for and without looking around she began digging.


Jalia watched that malodorous idiot - the so-called doctor - caper away, the sharp burn of medicine in her throat. She supposed he had his uses. A second later the crack of gunfire turned her head and she saw a pair of the Liminal League’s scummers closing on two of her sisters. Unslinging her seldom used lasgun, she pinned them both then saw Flo ‘the Bow’ live up to her name again, sticking them both with arrows. Contented her sisters were safe, she sprinted after the doc as an altogether more menacing shape screeched overhead on a grapnel launcher.


Wild Snake Wyl loved his work. All four of the Escher were back on their feet now. Bringing health and happiness to the underhive, seeing these poor people brought back to their feet, undoing the violence that blighted his home…. was there any greater reward? He noticed one of the Liminal League scum and his fellow practitioner - their doc - on the tower opposite.

‘Eat it! EAT IT!’ He howled unloading his needle pistol at them. ‘Die die die die die DIE DIE DIE!’

Happily, they did. Wild Snake Wil loved his work.


AJ reloaded her autogun as that insane, rat cloaked old fool sent poison darts pinging off into the dark. He was a pretty good shot actually. Suddenly, Jalia appeared at her side, lasgun in hand. For the swordmistress to be using a gun, something must be wrong. She followed the champion up the gantry and saw a glistening, clawed shape slice their own scummers to pieces. Together, she and Jalia hammered shot after shot into the Delaque fiend. At length it crumpled and vanished and with it, the Liminal League disappeared into the in between spaces of the underhive. The battle and the crystals were the Sisters’.

Winner: Wayward Sisters

Sable Pyramid

(Chaos Cult)


Skyvault Speculation Guild


Having lost Doc Keet with the incident with the ogryn the members of the Sable Pyramid needed a new medic that'll ignore the cults beilf structure. Catching wind that the rest of the gangs were moving out to salvage what was left of the resupply convoy; they thought best to tag along show their faces. The venetors with their ears to the ground knew something was up, Shadowing the cult just before... the attack.

Waking up from being knocked unconscious was becoming worring commen. Milo, true sight was the first to get support by the docs at hand. Standing up and seeing a rather squat bounty hunter that looked as bad as he felt. Non the less the long rifle is lifted; shot striking home as ever taking the stunttie out. Hearing coughs of blood 2 other venetors just bled out. The cult knew to stay put till help came.

The doc on a spree picks Conan Warpstone up. He in a bruised haze finds the nearest patch of crystals and just rams them in his pockets and will continue to do so Unit he is dragged by kharn. Nijiri the Hag had similar vein however once she fitted the whole deposit in here pouch. was clipped by a Las gun, falling 20 feet and yet cackled the whole way down. Even when she bust he back on the ground she just giggled to her self. Everyone seeing the mad old crone had lost it left her to her own devices as they had crystals to loot and bounty hunters to shoot.

With most of them having bled out the Sable Pyramid just hoovered up crystals till no more could be found. At which point most of their opposition had bled out. Milo starting the blood shed would be the the one to end it. Lining up the final shot he finished off the last stuntie. The doc who was supporting them throughout the fight looking at milo and just threw hands up in the air shout something about a bunch a time wasting nut jobs, spitting at the cult on the way back to corpse Town. Looks like keet would be the only doc to put up with the cult.

Recongregating in their dank corning of corpse Town, Conan emptied his pockets. He was carrying a small fortune of crystals, atleast 7 large chuncks. Although something wasn't quite the same about him. But when you deal with creature of the immaterium it is quite commen to suddenly change. With this great success Deogracius set up the small 4 sided Pyramid in the far side of the room. It was so dark it seems to draw all the light to it heart. Najiri charnting and muttering begins the ritual. Black liquid pours from her empty eye sockets trying to obtain the insight of the void. Always hard to tell, but a blessing was bestowed upon Kharn the headwomen drawing her closer to the truth the cult crave.

Winner: Sable Pyramid

The Screaming Erinyes

(House Escher)


Lord Helmawr’s Lawful Murmurations


As the gunfire and explosions faded and the sounds of ill-disciplined warfare were replaced by the wails and moans of the wounded, G05H4WK raised himself up, and gave a double click on his radio, the signal to his squad to start the quiet take down of the wounded Enrinyes he had been careful to follow as they charged into the battle. Having recently received intelligence these feral Eschers were preparing to sell illegal chems on the open market, the original plan had been to take them down after the meet, no matter, he'd thin the herd now before their inbound medic could save them.

The opening moves were textbook, one of his Enforcers located high in a tower playing possum, stood and took down one of the only active eschers in front of the very eyes of a hired scummer who had come to grant aid. Shouldering his shield GO5 moved into the shadow of a tower where he had seen another escher crawl into cover. Spying the wounded ganger, he raised his shield to crush the prone figure before suddenly a medic covered in Necromunda 7th Regiment bowled him off her. Surpised by the assault he quickly retreated, aiming to gather his slowly assembling forces as he saw more of the Esher wounded rally to the centre tower. Slowly he realised the tide was beginning to turn. He watched his sniper go down under a hail of lasgun fire, and his rookies and hired help had seemingly abandoned their mission to pillage the abundant crystal deposits in the area. Cowering as shots rattled off his shield, he watched another enforcer engulfed by a virulent cloud of toxic gas. Beating down a flanking escher juve he charged for cover as another of his rookies fell next to him. Increasingly desperate and dogged by shadowy figures, he trusted his armour as he ran into the open. Charging for a ladder a heavy hit spun him to the ground. As he looked up the he saw the Ex-Militarum medic, a smoking pistol in her hands and the words 'DO NO HARM' tattoo'd across her whitening knuckles as she squeezed the trigger again.

After Sergent J4CKD4W's impressive take down on the last mission, Captain SW4NN handed the reins on the liberation of the baggage train over to him. She was still attending to Sergent G0LD3N3Y3 who was not dealing with the loss of most of his left hand well. They had tried explaining how a sniper only needs one hand to pull a trigger but his recovery would take time regardless.

Awakening to the bloodbath before him J4CK immediately cursed the absence of his Captain and counterpart, an overwatching sniper was exactly what they needed to control the carnage. Frantically reloading his boltgun as equally confused Eschers pulled themselves to their feet, the sergeant wasted no time helping a pair of them find the floor more permanently.

Patrolman 8U224RD recognized the distinctive sound of enforcer boltgun fire and attempted to reach for his own. The perferations to his midsection made this difficult, his wounds barely healed from the warm welcome of a savage beating he took from an Ogryn upon arrival to the Slump. Keen to finally prove his mettle the patrolman tried and tried to recover - only to bleed out of conciousness - and the mission.

Rookie R00K was roused by a true hive rarity - a friendly face helping patch up his wounds. "Hold still please" the doc calmly instructed with an authority far beyond the years she wore on her face. Whatever she injected into him had him up and running in seconds. He headed for an unguarded crystal cluster, looking back to the Doctor. She stood tall and proud, shiloutted in the artificial lighting, checking her medical equipment with one hand and emptying her stub gun into the nearest Escher with the other. R00K felt his heart rate triple. Definitely the drugs right?

Subjugator G05H4WK woke up to shots ricocheting off of his shield and ran for cover, slamming into a doctor working on a downed Escher. Not intending to hurt a medic unless he had too he attempted to knock them back and finish of the Escher. Unprepared to lose a patient under such circumstances the doctor fought back savagely sending G05 running. He cursed himself for not using manacles and attempting an arrest for malpractice... the doctor had looked far from legitimate and he doubted that had been regulation equipment and drugs he'd seen. The rain of shots aimed for him allowed little time for second guessing he's actions however as he jumped for cover - fortunately right next to a sought after crystal cluster.

From J4CKD4W'S vantage point he was astonished by what he saw. A scummer and doctor were providing his team actual help! He knew the Slump couldn't be all bad, he smiled to himself. Then felt the searing pain of las fire cut through his chest then exit out of his back. His smile faded quicker than he did.

R00K reached the crystal cluster but couldn't figure out how to harvest them. He couldn't shake the doctors face from his mind and he was finding it hard to concentrate. The academy had taught him such distractions would be a death sentence out in the field, but he was confident the Eschers they appeared to be tangling with were in a bad, if not worse state than they were. He breathed deeply to tackle the crystals again but quickly realized he wasn't inhaling air. Coughing and choking into unconsciousness the grinning Escher emptying her chem thrower into his face was far from the vision of loveliness the doc had been moments before. She emphasize this point by promptly kicking his head in.

The shots kept coming for G05H4WK and even he was impressed his shield was holding up. Cowering under a stair well and realizing the rest of the Murmurations were out of action he attempted to think strategically. High up above the remarkable rogue doc who'd assisted them was still taking shots at the enemy. They'd lost the mission he thought, as a ricocheting shot finally found it's mark in his neck, but at least they appeared to have finally gained an ally.

Winner: The Screaming Erinyes

Sector Seven Furnace Lords

(House Goliath)


The Borg Reclamation Project

(Slave Ogryns)

Winner: Sector Seven Furnace Lords