Week 2 Battle Reports

Skyvault Speculation Guild



The Screaming Erinyes

(House Escher)


Sector Seven Furnace Lords

(House Goliath)



(House Escher)

Winner: Sector Seven Furnace Lords

Borg Reclamation Project

(Slave Ogryn)


Sewer Pipe Slingers

(Genestealer Cult)

Winner: Sewer Pipe Slingers

The Borg were bigger, badder and much better armed as they rushed into the warehouse, ripping apart the first few Cult to try and stand in their way.

Led by the Overboss Locutus and the fearless Hugh, the Borg crushed Splinters Spine, shattered Fatberg’ hand and plain killed Rubber Johnny within a matter of seconds.

It wasn’t all one way as Drudge emerged from the shadows and sank his blades into the heart of the Borg named One. One tried to carry on but Locutus is a shrewd and hard leader, and left him to die rather than waste the few resources they had managed to find in this shit tip so far on a doc.

On the back of this huge kill the rest of the Cult started to show up as reinforcements to lay some covering fire. Gas Leak’ hand-flamer managed to catch 3 Ogryns and kept the giants away from the crystal stash, burning and running crazily round the warehouse, probably saving a number of genestealers lives.

As the beer started wearing off and the flames grew higher gangers from each side started to flee the warehouse. The hardy Unplugger somehow shook off the fear to remain and guard the crystals, completing the contract for the Slingers.

This was a brutal and bloody evening for both gangs, and would have been much worse for the Slingers had that beer not helped them to shrug off some wounds.

With injuries and deaths on both sides names had been made this night, and Ogyrns had been lost, however a new grudge between these gangs of outsiders had been forged in the fire.

Liminal League

(House Delaque)


Segontians The Redux

(House Cawdor)

Winner: Segontians The Redux

Lord Helmawr's Lawful Murmurations



Sable Pyramid

(Chaos Cult)



(House Orlock)

Stories where floating about in corpse Town that an Orlock gang had salvaged a wrecked brewery not far from town. This peaked Deogracius' interest; as a method of recruitment or to keep moral high when looses are great. Doc Keet also seemed quite keen to see what his new friend (experiment) with a healthy dose of combat drugs could do.

Before the battle the cult where talking tactics but rudly interrupted by a black out drunk orlock having a piss. Keet instantly plunges a syringe and emptying it in gorgers neck. Within an instant his pupils swelled up and the orlock was a red paste smeared up the wall. With that act of brutality the rest of the cult moved into action. Milo find the perfect spot getting a bead on the enforcer sniper. The poor thing didn't stand a chance. Every time he moved taking shot after shot, weathered by counter fire the enforcer bled out.

The praise from keet was ecstasy to Gorgers' fragile mind. This drove him to greater acts of Haynes rage. Hounding both orlock and enforcers and finally when he could get his hands on them. Leaping up a huge cargo create he reduce the orlock leader to a rag doll sending him flying before crushing the subdugator next to him who had formed and uneasy alliance. Now drenched in what use to be humans insides he turns on the greenhorn. Within a moment the ogryn and mauled 3 fighters but was beginning to take damage. Doc keet panics and floods Gorgers system with his experimental concoction... This ends badly. Gorgers producing a viscous black blood from everywhere, Holding his head and dropping to the ground. A small cheer and sigh of relief was let out by all those who had witnessed it.

On the other side of the brewery come bloodbath few had the stamina to keep fighting. Many battered and bruised but one belived they could snag victory. One little khnoring, the Baroness' owne. With his tiny dagger the plunged it deep into the torso of an orlock fighter. Tasting blood refilled him with a new found vigor. Seeing the last keg of corpse brew he knew what he had to. Disappearing off leaving the Barroness too tried to care. The khnoring lifts this huge keg up and makes a break for home. Stealing the mission and the day.

Worryingly when the enforcers went to confirm the kill on the ogryn, Keet was no where to be seen. Gorgers still body did remain but with small twitching black worms came from his now empty sockets. Horrified by this visage he beheads the creature and bagged the head to confirm the kill. Even more worring when the clean up crew went back in the body was gone...

Winner: Sable Pyramid

Sergeant G0LD3N3Y3 was reluctant to take the Murmurations on further missions until the Captain and patrolman 8U224RD had fully recovered. That was until he received a tip off that the Paramedicae Orlock gang were happily plundering their new supply of alcohol and barely guarding the crystals they were paid to watch over...

Such an opportunity couldn't be passed up - the credits generated from reselling the stolen crystals would allow them to prepare more thoroughly for the undoubted horrors this expedition would continue to bring. Additionally Sergeant J4CKD4W and subjugators 574RL1NG were back with the team after missing the drop on the last mission and should be able to provide much needed firepower. Although the subjugator had barely said a word since manifesting his new abilities and the unflinching team trust installed in the Enforcers had very much flinched away when it came to 574RL1NG. The team would put him down in a heartbeat if they had to.

Ontop of this Sergeant J4CKD4W had been savvy enough to recruit some of the local scum on the mission. Local knowledge and extra fire power would go along way to assisting a straight forward warehouse raid with little difficulties.

The Murmurations could hear the drunken Orlock revellers as soon as they breached the perimeter of the warehouse. G0LD3N3Y3 smiled to himself at how easy this was going to be. The team split up into smaller squads to cover both sides of the warehouse intending to converge on the crystal stash secured in the middle. G0LD3N3Y3 hung back, scrabbling up to the rafters to overview the situation, his sniper rifle secure in his hands.

He set up position quickly, spotting a drunken Orlock on the platform above the crystals. Removing him would ensure J4CKD4W an easy dash to the center of the warehouse where his boltgun could inflict serious damage. G0LD3N3Y3 secured the target in his crosshairs, exhaled and squeezed the trigger before his world exploded. A long rifle round ricocheted of off his helmet, pinning him to the ground.

Barely daring to move from the ground, and thankful yet again to Enforcer issue armor G0LD3N3Y3 utilized his scope to scout the opposite end of the warehouse - spotting the enemy sniper grinning manically in the darkened ruins. "Great" he sputtered through gritted teeth. The intel on the drunken Orlock crystal stash had been solid but they clearly weren't the only ones to receive it. The Sable Pyramid Chaos Cult had enetred the opposite end of the warehouse with the exact same goal in mind.

Remaining pinned the enforcer sniper reassessed the situation and relayed new orderes to the Murmurations. Hold back and allow the cultists to do the dirty work on the Orlocks, slip in and escape with the crystals while they dealt with each other. Take potshots to soften both sides up but do not engage. Confident in these new orders G0LD3N3Y3 risked pulling himself up to return fire. Just as he leveled his rifle the Cultist sniper shot again, hitting the enforcers gun. The shot travelled the length of the sniper barrel exploding into G0LD3N3Y3'S gloved hand, the force of the blast sending him reeling off the platform to the cold hard steel floor two storey's below.

Subjugator 574RL1NG understood the new orders and held his vantage point on a shipping container close to the crystal strong hold. The last few weeks had been like nothing any amount of training had ever prepared him for. From the ordeal of missing the drop point on the last mission to developing reluctantly into a sanctioned psyker, but this paled in comparison to what he next witnessed.

He watched in absolute horror as the shambling abomination of a mutated Ogryns remains flung itself around the corner into some reinforcement Orlocks who'd just entered the Warehouse. The sight of a reanimated corpse so large and putrid was one thing but to see it being ridden with glee was uncomprehendable. The abomination tore through the Orlocks, chasing one straight up on to the shipping container 574RL1NG occupied.

Deciding it was now or never, 574RL1NG utilized the knowledge he'd spent the last week researching to attempt to manifest his new psychic abilities - he'd barely begun to concentrate when the monster made any such research moot and ripped him limb from limb.

Sergeant J4CKD4W witnessed all of this developing carnage frozen to the spot. Not because of terror or shock or disgust but because he recognized the gigantic cadaver being ridden. The Ogryn rebellion they'd shut down before shipping out. The third Ogryn he'd personally failed to kill (despite his best efforts). The Captain had told him her suspicions that it had made it on board the drop ship, but ensured him it had died in transit. She was right the thing was clearly dead, but that made no difference to the destruction it was currently carrying out.

Incredibly the monster reached the end of the gangway before collapsing under the weight of retaliating blows. J4CKD4W breathed a sigh of relief and refusing to make the same mistake twice, moved forward to secure the kill.

Sergeant G0LD3N3Y3 came too at the foot of a ladder, adrenaline pumping he instinctively reached for his rifle. He found the thing wet and the barrel much heavier than before, he was confused as to why the gun twisted away from him as he pulled it closer. He clutched the gun by it's grip with his right hand and attempted to use his left to raise the rifle up for inspection, but again it twisted away and the barrel hit the floor. He went to reach for it a third time before noticing the left hand he was reaching with - only the thumb and forefinger remained. As the bloody reality of this dawned on him he fought. The urge to vomit. He attempted to take his helmet off so not to flood his respirator, automatically using both hands to do so. The pain from this error made him pass out again.

J4CKD4W successful hacked off the head of the twitching Ogryns corpse. He was taking no chances and the Captain would want to see this. He was concerned the figure riding the beast was no where to be seen, but the Sergeant could see the cyrstal stash and was determined to complete the mission. It looked like the carnage the dead Ogryn had wreaked on the Orlocks had been enough to send them running and who could blame them. The Enforcers would be doing exactly the same thing in a moment's time when they crystals were secure.

Dropping down to the ground below, J4CKD4W misjudged the weight of the head he had in tow and stumbled to the ground. He was only down for a moment but it was enough for the Cultists to seize their opportunity. Unsure if what he was witnessing was real or some hellish apparition, an imp like creature appeared and instantly snatched the crystals out from in front of J4CKD4W. Of all the things the Sergeant bore witness too that day it was the horrific little devil creature blowing a raspberry in his face before it laughed and vanished that haunted him the most.

Wayward Sisters

(House Escher)



(House Orlock)

Winner: Wayward Sisters