Week 1 Post Battle

The Aftermath

The gangs have successfully deployed from Captain van Kurg's ship into The Slump. Searching for the source of the rare crystals valued so highly by their backers, the CCCP. Just as van Kurg predicted the fragile peace that had held firm on the ship was immediately shattered as soon as the gangs touched down in The Slump.


Surprisingly despite having looked for a source the strange crystals appear to be scattered around in clumps, almost randomly. Having secured several the crystals, the gangs return to Corpse Town, an abandoned settlement on the edge of The Slump, newly resettled by the CCCP. Here they can sell the crystals to representatives of the various interested guilders and nobles. While Corpse Town offered the promise of an opportunity to rest up and rearm; unfortunately, it seems that the merchant caravan following the expedition has been delayed and as such their wares are unavailable at this time. The gangs will have to make use of what they have brought with them for now.


There is currently no access to the trade post or black market.


A few basics have made it to Corpse Town and are available for purchase, however seeing as the main body of the expedition, and its associated baggage train, have not arrived yet; you suspect that the equipment available may have been scavenged off the bodies of those less fortunate members of the initial wave of explorers.


Gangs still have access to their house equipment list, but may not buy special or heavy weapons, or any weapon or wargear with an ammo roll of 5+ or 6+. 



None of the gangs have an established settlement so gangs do not roll for settlement income or juves/gangers.

Where The Frack Have You Been ?

Any Fighter who did not deploy in the previous scenario due to missing the drop site during deployment, come limping into Corpse Town a few days later having experienced their own hazardous journeys attempting to reunite with the gang.

Permanently mark their fighter card with two 🔶 symbols, then roll a d6 and apply the corresponding effect to the fighter

1 - Roll twice on the Lasting Injury table and apply both the effects

2 - Add an additional 🔶 symbol to their card

3+ - Inform Arbitrator