Loyalty, they say, is it’s own reward. That it may be, but it is a slight one. A feeble one. An unworthy one. They call us the Lost, but with us you will find more than the CCCP could ever give. What we offer is justice. Justice and transcendence. Justice for the wrongs done to us and to you, and transcendence over the lie of Lord Helmawr’s munificence. Transcendence over the base surroundings of Cog-Port in its rust shroud of decay. Transcendence over these mortal forms that break and bleed so very easily.

You have been blessed with the first gifts of the crystals. Yet you may have more. By siding with us we will drive out the falsifiers, the charlatans, and the fools, and we shall take back this land that is ours. We will build a new Cog-Port gleaming in the light not of the Emperor, but of it’s own luminescence. You see some of that light now, but it shines only darkly through the scanners the CCCP give you. Look around with your crystal-sheened eyes and you will see it blaze. Help us well and help us true, and that light will blaze through you. You will be more than gifted, you will be blessed and through the crystals of cog-port you will transcend.

The gifts of betrayal

• Your gang immediately becomes an Outlaw.

• Your gang gains access to the Black Market and Badzones Trading Post.

• Your gang retains any Hangers-On it currently has, but may only hire new Hangers-On if they have the Outlaw special rule.

• For every two Crystals a Fighter in your gang harvests from this point, they gain one Advance on the Mutation table. Mutations are not cumulative – Benefits and Drawbacks of their previous mutation are removed and replaced with the new mutation.

Outlaw Gangs’ Leaders and Champions may try to visit the regular Trading Post by passing a Cool Check. If passed, they may make a Seek Rare Item action as normal, but gain no benefits from being a Leader or a Champion.