Congratulations loyal servant of Cog-Port! You have made the correct decision.

For your loyalty in remaining true to the mission of the CCCP, Lord Helmawr is pleased to grant you a one off payment of 1000 credits. This may be spent in whatever you manner you perceive will best support the fulfilment of the CCCP’s mission: Restore Cog-Port; Revive Corpse Town; Find and cleanse the Lost.

Furthermore, while the mutant is to be rightly condemned and properly burnt, the CCCP recognises that those current afflicting your gang are a result of the wicked machinations of the Lost. These afflictions can be cured. To do so, adepts of the CCCP require more crystals from which to synthesise the treatment that will return you to your original emperor-blessed form.

Go forth to victory!

Note: CCCP adepts detected a hesitation of 0.0001+ seconds in pledging your loyalty. The judges of the CCCP are understanding of the emperor-designed limitations to the human reaction system. In light of this, thepenalty that would ordinarily be applied (conversion into effluence discharge monitoring servitor) had been commuted to a fine of 1000 credits. As part of the CCCP’s commitment to bureaucratic efficiency this has been immediately deducted from the amount routed to you from the coffers of Lord Helmawr, saving you the distraction of making the payment yourself.


The rewards of loyalty

• Your gang immediately becomes a Law Abiding gang.

• Your gang retains access to the regular Trading Post and Badzones Trading Post.

• Your gang retains any Hangers-On it currently has and may hire other Hangers-On as normal, providing they do not have the Outlaw special rule.

• For every two Crystals a Fighter in your gang harvests from this point, they may move down one tier on the Mutation table to a minimum of -1, at which point all effects of the Crystals are removed. Mutations are not cumulative – Benefits and Drawbacks of their previous mutation are removed and replaced with the new mutation. However, if a Fighter harvests more crystals after they have reached -1 on the Mutation table, they will begin to mutate again and will gain a Mutation for every additional Marker on their card.

• Law Abiding Gangs’ Leaders and Champions may try to visit the regular Black Market by passing an Intelligence Check. If passed, they may make a Seek Rare/Illegal Item action as normal, but gain no benefits from being a Leader or a Champion