Brainleaf Zombies

Brainleaf Zombie Statline.jpg


Clubs (or guns used as clubs) or fists and teeth (count as unarmed attacks). The Zombie retains the armour the Fighter was equipped with when it died.

Special Rules:

Special rules: Brainleaf Zombies cannot be Pinned, automatically pass any Cool checks and ignore all Injury dice results except Out of Action. A Brainleaf Zombie that has been taken Out of Action is not removed from the board and instead counts as Seriously Injured. In the Recovery phase, Seriously Injured Brainleaf Zombies stand back up. The only way to remove a Brainleaf Zombie from the battle is through a Coup de Grace action.

Brainleaf Zombies subject to the Blaze condition take a S3 hit as usual, but do not then move randomly and cannot attempt to put out the fire.

At the end of the battle a Lasting Injury roll of 66 (or a failed visit to the Doctors) for a Fighter taken Out Of Action by a Brainleaf Zombie will result in that Fighter becoming a Zombie permanently. Delete the Fighter from the gang’s Roster, add their equipment other than armour to the gang’s Stash, and add a Brainleaf Zombie to the gang.

Lasting injuries and experience:

A zombie may suffer lasting injuries as with any other Fighter. However, a roll of 60+ is always a Memorable Death.

A zombie will also gain experience like a Ganger. Every time a zombie reaches 6XP roll on the ganger advance table ignoring any result except a 2 or 12. If a 2 or a 12 is rolled, the Fighter miraculously recovers from the zombie plague but with no memory of their past life. Replace the zombie with a Ganger (NOT a Specialist) with all the relevant statistics, weapons restrictions, and the Hobbled Lasting Injury.